Methods and algorithms for computer synthesis of holographic elements to obtain a complex impulse response of optical information processing systems based on modern spatial light modulators (2020) QUANTUM ELECTRONICS, Q3 ОФИС ОП(М) ОЛПТ, ЛАПЛАЗ | ||
Symmetry reductions and new functional separable solutions of nonlinear Klein-Gordon and telegraph type equations (2020) JOURNAL OF NONLINEAR MATHEMATICAL PHYSICS, Q2 031 (прикладной математики), ЛАПЛАЗ | ||
Laser-assisted generation of elongated Au nanoparticles and analysis of their morphology under pulsed irradiation in water and CaCl2 solutions (2020) JOURNAL OF PHYSICS: CONFERENCE SERIES, Q4 069 (физики лазерного термоядерного синтеза), ЛАПЛАЗ | ||
Laser ablation of metals in salts melts (2020) CHEMICAL PHYSICS LETTERS, Q2 069 (физики лазерного термоядерного синтеза), ЛАПЛАЗ | ||
Diffusion bonding of Cu atoms with molecular dynamics simulations (2020) RESULTS IN PHYSICS, TOP10 021 (физики плазмы), ЛАПЛАЗ | ||
X-ray time-resolved diagnostics of hot electron generation in shock ignition relevant experiments (2020) INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE LASER OPTICS 2020 (ICLO 2020), TOP10 021 (физики плазмы), ЛАПЛАЗ | ||
X-ray spectroscopy validation of ionization potential depression models in dense plasma created by petawatt laser pulses (2020) INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE LASER OPTICS 2020 (ICLO 2020), TOP10 021 (физики плазмы), 069 (физики лазерного термоядерного синтеза), ЛАПЛАЗ | ||
Widening of the Frequency Tuning Bandwidth in a Subterahertz Gyrotron with an External Bragg Reflector (2020) RADIOPHYSICS AND QUANTUM ELECTRONICS, Q3 021 (физики плазмы), ЛАПЛАЗ | ||
Coherent Diffractive Imaging at the High-Energy PETRA III Synchrotron Storage Ring (2020) SYNCHROTRON RADIATION NEWS, Q3 032 (теоретической ядерной физики), ЛАПЛАЗ | ||
Was GW170817 a Canonical Neutron Star Merger? Bayesian Analysis with a Third Family of Compact Stars (2020) UNIVERSE, Q2 032 (теоретической ядерной физики), ЛАПЛАЗ | ||
Vector-boson condensates, spin-triplet superfluidity of paired neutral and charged fermions, and 3P(2) pairing of nucleons (2020) PHYSICAL REVIEW D, TOP10 032 (теоретической ядерной физики), ЛАПЛАЗ | ||
Pion Softening and Pion Condensation (2020) PHYSICS OF ATOMIC NUCLEI, Q4 032 (теоретической ядерной физики), ЛАПЛАЗ | ||
Evolution of quasiperiodic structures in a non-ideal hydrodynamic description of phase transitions (2020) UNIVERSE, Q2 032 (теоретической ядерной физики), ЛАПЛАЗ | ||
Testing Secondary-Emission Self-Oscillatory Probe (2020) PHYSICS OF ATOMIC NUCLEI, Q4 ОФИС ОП(М) ОЛПТ, 602 (ЛАБ ФХПСТУ), ЛАПЛАЗ | ||
Visualization of the interconnection between dynamics of the system and its basic characteristics (2020) SCIENTIFIC VISUALIZATION, Q4 ОФИС ОП(М) ОЛПТ, 031 (прикладной математики), ИИКС, ЛАПЛАЗ, ИИКС | ||
Vernier laser diagnostic system for velocity measurements at Angara-5-1 facility (2020) JOURNAL OF PHYSICS: CONFERENCE SERIES, Q4 037 (лазерной физики), ОФИС ОП(М) ОЛПТ, ЛАПЛАЗ, ЛАПЛАЗ | ||
The 100th anniversary of fractal geometry: From Julia and Fatou through Hausdorff and Besicovitch to Mandelbrot (2020) IZVESTIYA VYSSHIKH UCHEBNYKH ZAVEDENIY. PRIKLADNAYA NELINEYNAYA DINAMIKA, Q3 031 (прикладной математики), ЛАПЛАЗ | ||
The Electronic and Optical Properties of Thin Nanocluster Mo Films for Single-Photon UV Detectors (2020) PHYSICS OF ATOMIC NUCLEI, Q4 ОФИС ОП(М) ОЛПТ, 078 (физико-технических проблем метрологии), ЛАПЛАЗ | ||
Formation of Thin-Film Nanoparticle Materials for Single-Photon Avalanche Detectors (2020) PHYSICS OF ATOMIC NUCLEI, Q4 ОФИС ОП(М) ОЛПТ, 078 (физико-технических проблем метрологии), ЛАПЛАЗ | ||
Variation in the structure of the amorphous NiTi-based alloys during mechanical vibrations (2020) JOURNAL OF NON-CRYSTALLINE SOLIDS, Q1 ОФИС ОП(М) ОЛПТ, ЛАПЛАЗ | ||
Validity of Quasi-classical Approaches to True Three-Body Decays (2020) SPRINGER PROCEEDINGS IN PHYSICS, НЕТ 032 (теоретической ядерной физики), ЛАПЛАЗ | ||
High-frequency skin effect in a photoionized inert gas plasma (2020) JOURNAL OF PHYSICS: CONFERENCE SERIES, Q4 032 (теоретической ядерной физики), ЛАПЛАЗ | ||
Vacuum Chamber of the MEPhIST-1 Tokamak (2020) PHYSICS OF ATOMIC NUCLEI, Q4 021 (физики плазмы), 602 (ЛАБ ФХПСТУ), 037 (лазерной физики), ЛАПЛАЗ | ||
Using the Scattering Spectroscopy of keV-Energy Protons to Analyze the Deposition of Lithium on Tungsten (2020) BULLETIN OF THE RUSSIAN ACADEMY OF SCIENCES: PHYSICS, Q4 ОФИС ОП(М) ОЛПТ, 021 (физики плазмы), ЛАПЛАЗ | ||
Using the Beth-Uhlenbeck Approach to Describe the Kaon to Pion Ratio in a 2+1 Flavor PNJL Model (2020) PARTICLES, Нет 032 (теоретической ядерной физики), ЛАПЛАЗ | ||
Ultimate energy recovery from spent relativistic electron beam in energy recovery linear accelerators (2020) PHYSICAL REVIEW ACCELERATORS AND BEAMS, Q2 ОФИС ОП(М) ОЛПТ, 014 (электрофизических установок), ЛАПЛАЗ | ||
Two-Way Shape Memory Effect in Rapidly-Quenched High-Copper TiNiCu Alloys Deformed in the Martensitic State (2020) RUSSIAN METALLURGY (METALLY), Q4 ОФИС ОП(М) ОЛПТ, 070 (физики твердого тела и наносистем), ОФИС ОП(М) ОЯФТ, ЛАПЛАЗ, ИЯФИТ | ||
Two-quantum magnetic resonance driven by a comb-like rf field (2020) OPTICS LETTERS, Q1 ОФИС ОП(М) ОЛПТ, ЛАПЛАЗ | ||
Memristive Properties of Oxide-based High-Temperature Superconductors (2020) JOURNAL OF SUPERCONDUCTIVITY AND NOVEL MAGNETISM, Q3 ОФИС ОП(М) ОЛПТ, ЛАПЛАЗ | ||
Hills and holes in the microlensing light curve due to plasma environment around gravitational lens (2020) MONTHLY NOTICES OF THE ROYAL ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETY, Q1 032 (теоретической ядерной физики), ЛАПЛАЗ | ||
First analytical calculation of black hole shadow in McVittie metric (2020) INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MODERN PHYSICS D, TOP10 032 (теоретической ядерной физики), ЛАПЛАЗ | ||
Black hole shadow as a standard ruler in cosmology (2020) CLASSICAL AND QUANTUM GRAVITY, Q1 032 (теоретической ядерной физики), ЛАПЛАЗ | ||
Traveling wave tubes: a history of people and fates (2020) PHYSICS-USPEKHI, Q1 031 (прикладной математики), ЛАПЛАЗ | ||
Transition radiation measurements with a Si and a GaAs pixel sensor on a Timepix3 chip (2020) NUCLEAR INSTRUMENTS AND METHODS IN PHYSICS RESEARCH, SECTION A: ACCELERATORS, SPECTROMETERS, DETECTORS AND ASSOCIATED EQUIPMENT, Q2 040 (физики элементарных частиц), ИЯФИТ, 067 (физики конденсированных сред), ОФИС ОП(М) ОНАНО, Нет данных об авторе, ОФИС ОП(М) ОЯФТ, Ректорат, ИЯФИТ, ЛАПЛАЗ, ИНТЭЛ | ||
Towards an ab initio theory for the temperature dependence of electric field gradients in solids: Application to hexagonal lattices of Zn and Cd (2020) PHYSICAL REVIEW B, Q1 078 (физико-технических проблем метрологии), ЛАПЛАЗ | ||
Toward a unified equation of state for multi-messenger astronomy (2020) ASTRONOMY AND ASTROPHYSICS, Q1 032 (теоретической ядерной физики), ЛАПЛАЗ | ||
On asymptotic dynamical regimes of Manakov N-soliton trains in adiabatic approximation (2020) JOURNAL OF SIBERIAN FEDERAL UNIVERSITY - MATHEMATICS AND PHYSICS, Q4 031 (прикладной математики), ЛАПЛАЗ | ||
Internal conversion of the low-energy (229m)qh isomer in the thorium anion (2020) PHYSICAL REVIEW C, Q1 ОФИС ОП(М) ОЛПТ, ЛАПЛАЗ | ||
Excitation of Th-229m at Inelastic Scattering of Low Energy Electrons (2020) PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS, TOP10 ОФИС ОП(М) ОЛПТ, ЛАПЛАЗ | ||
Thulium-doped Tellurite Fiber Amplifier at a Wavelength of 2270 nm (2020) INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE LASER OPTICS 2020 (ICLO 2020), TOP10 069 (физики лазерного термоядерного синтеза), ЛАПЛАЗ | ||
ThSi10O22 Compound as Target for Production of Isomeric Thorium-229 Nuclei at Electron Beam Irradiation (2020) PHYSICS OF ATOMIC NUCLEI, Q4 ОФИС ОП(М) ОЛПТ, 078 (физико-технических проблем метрологии), ЛАПЛАЗ | ||
Three-dimensional heat transfer effects in external layers of a magnetized neutron star (2020) MONTHLY NOTICES OF THE ROYAL ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETY, Q1 032 (теоретической ядерной физики), ЛАПЛАЗ | ||
Thomson scattering in plasmas: Theory generalization for ultrashort laser pulse effects (2020) PHYSICS OF PLASMAS, Q2 021 (физики плазмы), ЛАПЛАЗ | ||
Thermionic microwave gun for terahertz and synchrotron light sources (2020) REVIEW OF SCIENTIFIC INSTRUMENTS, Q2 ОФИС ОП(М) ОЛПТ, ЛАПЛАЗ | ||
Theoretical and numerical analysis of density perturbation development induced by high velocity impact (2020) PHYSICS OF FLUIDS, Q1 ОФИС ОП(М) ОЛПТ, ЛАПЛАЗ | ||
The synchronous movement of mechanisms taking into account forces of the different nature (2020) JOURNAL OF PHYSICS: CONFERENCE SERIES, Q4 031 (прикладной математики), ИИКС, ЛАПЛАЗ, ИИКС | ||
The Study of Switching Dynamics in Planar Structures Based on Epitaxial Films of YBa2Cu3O7-δ High-Temperature Superconductor (2020) JOURNAL OF SUPERCONDUCTIVITY AND NOVEL MAGNETISM, Q3 ОФИС ОП(М) ОЛПТ, ЛАПЛАЗ | ||
The Multiplicity and Types of Steady States for a Continuous Stirred-Tank Reactor: a Liquid–Liquid Heterogeneous System (2020) RUSSIAN JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY B, Q4 004 (химической физики), ЛАПЛАЗ | ||
The microstructure of rapidly quenched TiNiCu ribbons crystallized by isothermal and electropulse treatments (2020) IOP CONFERENCE SERIES: MATERIALS SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING, Q4 070 (физики твердого тела и наносистем), ОФИС ОП(М) ОЛПТ, ЛАПЛАЗ | ||
The Memory Effect of Microdischarges in the Barrier Discharge in Airflow (2020) PLASMA PHYSICS REPORTS, Q3 021 (физики плазмы), ЛАПЛАЗ | ||
The ionization waves propagation in a long capillary dielectric tube in the absence of surface charge (2020) JOURNAL OF PHYSICS: CONFERENCE SERIES, Q4 021 (физики плазмы), ЛАПЛАЗ | ||
The influence of type of the intermolecular interaction potential on transport properties of helium (2020) JOURNAL OF PHYSICS: CONFERENCE SERIES, Q4 ОФИС ОП(М) ОЛПТ, ЛАПЛАЗ, 004 (химической физики), ЛАПЛАЗ | ||
The influence of BaSnO3 artificial pinning centres on the resistive transition of 2G higherature superconductor wire in magnetic field (2020) SUPERCONDUCTOR SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, Q1 ОФИС ОП(М) ОЛПТ, ЛАПЛАЗ | ||
The General Appearance of the Superconducting Magnet System for the Gas-Dynamic Multimirror Trap (2020) IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON APPLIED SUPERCONDUCTIVITY, Q2 070 (физики твердого тела и наносистем), ЛАПЛАЗ | ||
The Evolution of Surface-Selective Laser Sintering: Modifying and Forming 3D Structures for Tissue Engineering (2020) BULLETIN OF THE RUSSIAN ACADEMY OF SCIENCES: PHYSICS, Q4 037 (лазерной физики), ОФИС ОП(М) ОЛПТ, ЛАПЛАЗ | ||
Temporal Dynamics of Holmium-doped Fiber Laser with an Intracavity Mach-Zehnder Interferometer (2020) INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE LASER OPTICS 2020 (ICLO 2020), TOP10 069 (физики лазерного термоядерного синтеза), ЛАПЛАЗ | ||
Technological Possibilities of Realization of Sealed Accelerator Tubes Based on Diodes with Magnetic Isolation (2020) PHYSICS OF ATOMIC NUCLEI, Q4 081 (физики микро- и наносистем), 008 (электротехники), ЛАПЛАЗ, ИНТЭЛ, ИОПП | ||
Synthesis of magnetic nanoparticles by laser ablation in a liquid and verification of their antibacterial properties (2020) JOURNAL OF PHYSICS: CONFERENCE SERIES, Q4 ИФИБ, ИФИБ, ЛАПЛАЗ | ||
Recording of the cavitation phenomena when modeling flows in the trunk pipelines (2020) BEZOPASNOST' TRUDA V PROMYSHLENNOSTI, Q3 ОФИС ОП(М) ОЛПТ, ЛАПЛАЗ | ||
Numerical modelling of water hammer with cavitation (2020) JOURNAL OF PHYSICS: CONFERENCE SERIES, Q4 004 (химической физики), ЛАПЛАЗ | ||
Search for highly divergent SINE repeats in the rice genome (2020) BIOTEKHNOLOGIYA, Q4 031 (прикладной математики), ЛАПЛАЗ | ||
Surface Waves in a Collisional Quark-Gluon Plasma (2020) PHYSICS OF PARTICLES AND NUCLEI LETTERS, Q3 032 (теоретической ядерной физики), ЛАПЛАЗ | ||
Surface Physicochemical Treatment of Nickel Foam for Increasing Its Electrocatalytic Activity in Overall Water Splitting (2020) INORGANIC MATERIALS: APPLIED RESEARCH, Q3 070 (физики твердого тела и наносистем), УИНФ (Управление информатизации), ОФИС ОП(М) ОЛПТ, Нет данных об авторе, ЛАПЛАЗ | ||
Surface ionization wave propagation in the nanosecond pulsed surface dielectric barrier discharge: the influence of dielectric material and pulse repetition rate (2020) PLASMA SOURCES SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, Q1 021 (физики плазмы), ЛАПЛАЗ | ||
Superconductivity at 161 K in thorium hydride ThH10: Synthesis and properties (2020) MATERIALS TODAY, TOP1 070 (физики твердого тела и наносистем), ЛАПЛАЗ | ||
Sub-divertor fuel isotopic content detection limit for JET and its impact on ICRF core heating and DTE2 operation (2020) NUCLEAR FUSION, TOP10 021 (физики плазмы), ЛАПЛАЗ | ||
Studying How Plasma Jets are Generated in a Plasma Focus (2020) PLASMA PHYSICS REPORTS, Q3 021 (физики плазмы), ЛАПЛАЗ | ||
Study of the physicochemical and biological properties of the new promising Ti–20Nb–13Ta–5Zr alloy for biomedical applications (2020) MATERIALS CHEMISTRY AND PHYSICS, Q1 037 (лазерной физики), ЛАПЛАЗ | ||
Study of the Parameters of a High-Intensity Thermal and Coherent X-ray Sources with the Use of LiF Crystal Detector (Review) (2020) HIGH TEMPERATURE, Q2 021 (физики плазмы), ЛАПЛАЗ | ||
Study of light-scattering properties of protein-containing microparticles with a small difference in refractive indices (2020) JOURNAL OF PHYSICS: CONFERENCE SERIES, Q4 ОФИС ОП(М) ОЛПТ, 037 (лазерной физики), ЛАПЛАЗ, ИИКС | ||
Study of factors affecting the light shift of the CPT resonance (2020) JOURNAL OF PHYSICS: CONFERENCE SERIES, Q4 037 (лазерной физики), ОФИС ОП(М) ОЛПТ, ЛАПЛАЗ | ||
Structure–Transport Correlation Reveals Anisotropic Charge Transport in Coupled PbS Nanocrystal Superlattices (2020) ADVANCED MATERIALS, TOP1 032 (теоретической ядерной физики), ЛАПЛАЗ | ||
Structure and properties of self-healing materials based on hydroxyl terminated polydimethylsiloxane and boric acid (2020) JOURNAL OF PHYSICS: CONFERENCE SERIES, Q4 070 (физики твердого тела и наносистем), ЛАПЛАЗ | ||
Strangeness and Light Fragment Production at High Baryon Density (2020) SPRINGER PROCEEDINGS IN PHYSICS, НЕТ 032 (теоретической ядерной физики), ЛАПЛАЗ | ||
Mathematical models of plasma acceleration and compression in coaxial channels (2020) CONTINUUM MECHANICS, APPLIED MATHEMATICS AND SCIENTIFIC COMPUTING: GODUNOV'S LEGACY: A LIBER AMICORUM TO PROFESSOR GODUNOV, Нет 031 (прикладной математики), ЛАПЛАЗ | ||
Impact of electromagnetic effects on macroscopic dynamics of blobs in hot low-beta edge plasma of fusion devices (2020) PHYSICS OF PLASMAS, Q2 ЛАПЛАЗ, ЛАПЛАЗ | ||
Relaxation Phenomena in Thermal Molecular Plasmas (2020) AIP CONFERENCE PROCEEDINGS, Q4 ОФИС ОП(М) ОЛПТ, ЛАПЛАЗ | ||
Status of the new fragment separator ACCULINNA-2 and first experiments (2020) NUCLEAR INSTRUMENTS AND METHODS IN PHYSICS RESEARCH, SECTION B: BEAM INTERACTIONS WITH MATERIALS AND ATOMS, Q2 032 (теоретической ядерной физики), ЛАПЛАЗ | ||
Statistical and quantum photoionization cross sections in plasmas: Analytical approaches for any configurations including inner shells (2020) MATTER AND RADIATION AT EXTREMES, Q1 021 (физики плазмы), ЛАПЛАЗ | ||
Stationary operated lithium in-vessel elements of A Tokamak (2020) PROBLEMS OF ATOMIC SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, SERIES THERMONUCLEAR FUSION, Q3 009 (физических проблем материаловедения), 021 (физики плазмы), ИЯФИТ, ЛАПЛАЗ | ||
Opto-thermal computer modeling of laser-stone interaction during laser lithotripsy (2020) INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE LASER OPTICS 2020 (ICLO 2020), TOP10 , ЛАПЛАЗ | ||
Levitation properties of pre-magnetized HTS tape stacks (2020) JOURNAL OF PHYSICS: CONFERENCE SERIES, Q4 070 (физики твердого тела и наносистем), ОФИС ОП(М) ОЛПТ, ЛАПЛАЗ | ||
Spectroscopic study of vacuum arc plasma expansion (2020) JOURNAL OF PHYSICS D: APPLIED PHYSICS, Q1 021 (физики плазмы), ЛАПЛАЗ | ||
Spectroscopic determination of the composition and spatial distribution of active particles in a plasma jet of helium and argon being blown out into atmospheric air (2020) JOURNAL OF PHYSICS: CONFERENCE SERIES, Q4 021 (физики плазмы), ЛАПЛАЗ | ||
Spectral features of colloidal solutions of elongated gold nanoparticles produced by laser ablation in aqueous solutions (2020) QUANTUM ELECTRONICS, Q3 069 (физики лазерного термоядерного синтеза), ЛАПЛАЗ | ||
Specifics of Crystallization of Amorphous TiNiCu Alloys with High Concentrations of Copper (2020) PHYSICS OF THE SOLID STATE, Q3 ОФИС ОП(М) ОЛПТ, 070 (физики твердого тела и наносистем), ОФИС ОП(М) ОЯФТ, ЛАПЛАЗ, ИЯФИТ | ||
Specific features of reactive pulsed laser deposition of solid lubricating nanocomposite Mo–S–C–H thin-film coatings (2020) NANOMATERIALS, Q1 070 (физики твердого тела и наносистем), ЦОО, ЛАПЛАЗ, ИЯФИТ | ||
Deposition of Metal-Doped Diamond-Like Films Using a Hollow Cathode Discharge (2020) JOURNAL OF COMMUNICATIONS TECHNOLOGY AND ELECTRONICS, Q3 021 (физики плазмы), 377 (Лаб. взаимодействие плазмы с поверхностью и плазменные технологии), ЛАПЛАЗ | ||
SOLPS-ITER modelling of ITER edge plasma with drifts and currents (2020) NUCLEAR FUSION, TOP10 377 (Лаб. взаимодействие плазмы с поверхностью и плазменные технологии), ЛАПЛАЗ | ||
Soft X-ray diffraction patterns measured by a LiF detector with sub-micrometre resolution and an ultimate dynamic range (2020) JOURNAL OF SYNCHROTRON RADIATION, Q1 021 (физики плазмы), 070 (физики твердого тела и наносистем), 032 (теоретической ядерной физики), ЛАПЛАЗ | ||
Kinetics of the vacuum e-e + plasma in a strong electric field and problem of radiation (2020) MODERN PHYSICS LETTERS A, Q2 ОФИС ОП(М) ОЛПТ, ЛАПЛАЗ | ||
Spectral curves for the multi-phase solutions of Manakov system (2020) IOP CONFERENCE SERIES: MATERIALS SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING, Q4 031 (прикладной математики), ЛАПЛАЗ | ||
Single crystal diamond growth by MPCVD at subatmospheric pressures (2020) MATERIALS TODAY COMMUNICATIONS, Q2 087 (Кафедра лазерных микро- и нанотехнологий), 069 (физики лазерного термоядерного синтеза), ИФИБ, ЛАПЛАЗ | ||
Coherence properties of third-generation synchrotron sources and free-electron lasers (2020) SYNCHROTRON LIGHT SOURCES AND FREE-ELECTRON LASERS: ACCELERATOR PHYSICS, INSTRUMENTATION AND SCIENCE APPLICATIONS, НЕТ 032 (теоретической ядерной физики), ЛАПЛАЗ | ||
Simulation of XFEL induced fluorescence spectra of hollow ions and studies of dense plasma effects (2020) PHYSICS OF PLASMAS, Q2 021 (физики плазмы), ЛАПЛАЗ | ||
Simulation of passive charge exchange signals of hydrogenlike beryllium ions for cxrs edge diagnostics in iter (2020) PROBLEMS OF ATOMIC SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, SERIES THERMONUCLEAR FUSION, Q3 021 (физики плазмы), ЛАПЛАЗ | ||
Simulation of femtosecond interferometry when studying the effect of intense laser irradiation of a transparent medium (2020) QUANTUM ELECTRONICS, Q3 087 (Кафедра лазерных микро- и нанотехнологий), 069 (физики лазерного термоядерного синтеза), ИФИБ, ЛАПЛАЗ | ||
Silicon kinoform cylindrical lens with low surface roughness for high-power terahertz radiation (2020) OPTICS AND LASER TECHNOLOGY, Q1 069 (физики лазерного термоядерного синтеза), 087 (Кафедра лазерных микро- и нанотехнологий), ЛАПЛАЗ, ИФИБ | ||
Three-body vs. dineutron approach to two-neutron radiative capture in 6He (2020) PHYSICS LETTERS, SECTION B: NUCLEAR, ELEMENTARY PARTICLE AND HIGH-ENERGY PHYSICS, TOP10 032 (теоретической ядерной физики), ЛАПЛАЗ | ||
Shock-Wave Initiation of a Thermite Mixture of Al + CuO (2020) COMBUSTION, EXPLOSION AND SHOCK WAVES, Q3 004 (химической физики), ЛАПЛАЗ | ||
Numerical solution of two-dimensional (2D) nonlinear heat conductivity problem on moving grids (2020) JOURNAL OF PHYSICS: CONFERENCE SERIES, Q4 ОФИС ОП(М) ОЛПТ, ОФИС ОП(М) ОИКC, ЛАПЛАЗ, ИИКС | ||
Determination of Ultimate Strength of Individual Filaments of Basalt and Taparan Aramid Fibers (2020) FIBRE CHEMISTRY, Q4 ОУНЦ КЗИ, ОФИС ОП(М) ОЛПТ, ЛАПЛАЗ | ||
Shaking-Induced Aggregation and Flotation in Immunoglobulin Dispersions: Differences between Water and Water-Ethanol Mixtures (2020) ACS OMEGA, Q2 037 (лазерной физики), ОФИС ОП(М) ОЛПТ, ЛАПЛАЗ | ||
Discharge duration limits of contemporary tokamaks and stellarators (2020) NUCLEAR FUSION, TOP10 021 (физики плазмы), ЛАПЛАЗ | ||
Second virial coefficients of light nuclear clusters and their chemical freeze-out in nuclear collisions (2020) EUROPEAN PHYSICAL JOURNAL A, Q1 032 (теоретической ядерной физики), ИЯФИТ, ОФИС ОП(М) ОНАНО, ЛАПЛАЗ, ИЯФИТ, ИНТЭЛ | ||
Scintillation Crystals Based on Complex Oxides of Group 3 Elements (2020) PHYSICS OF ATOMIC NUCLEI, Q4 021 (физики плазмы), 011 (экспериментальных методов ядерной физики), ОФИС ОП(М) ОЯФТ, ЛАПЛАЗ, ИЯФИТ | ||
Stationary plasma configurations in a toroidal trap with D-shaped cross section in the two-fluid MHD approximation (Morozov-Soloviev equations) (2020) JOURNAL OF PHYSICS: CONFERENCE SERIES, Q4 031 (прикладной математики), ЛАПЛАЗ | ||
The physical modelling micro circulatory processes of biological tissues under the low-intensity IR-radiation (2020) JOURNAL OF PHYSICS: CONFERENCE SERIES, Q4 ИАТЭ НИЯУ МИФИ, ЛАПЛАЗ | ||
Light p-shell nuclei with cluster structures (4 <= A <= 16) in nuclear matter (2020) PHYSICAL REVIEW C, Q1 032 (теоретической ядерной физики), ЛАПЛАЗ | ||
Rocket Engine with Continuously Rotating Liquid-Film Detonation (2020) COMBUSTION SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, Q2Q2 004 (химической физики), Нет данных об авторе, ЛАПЛАЗ | ||
Roadmap on quantum light spectroscopy (2020) JOURNAL OF PHYSICS B: ATOMIC, MOLECULAR AND OPTICAL PHYSICS, Q2 032 (теоретической ядерной физики), ЛАПЛАЗ | ||
Rheological Effects of Polymer Membrane Swelling in Water and Their Dependence on Isotopic Composition (2020) PHYSICS OF WAVE PHENOMENA, Q3 037 (лазерной физики), ЛАПЛАЗ | ||
Review of the design, production and tests of compact AC HTS power cables (2020) PROGRESS IN SUPERCONDUCTIVITY AND CRYOGENICS (PSAC), Q4 070 (физики твердого тела и наносистем), ЛАПЛАЗ | ||
Retention of Deuterium in the Surface Layers of Tungsten Preliminarily Irradiated with Helium Ions (2020) BULLETIN OF THE RUSSIAN ACADEMY OF SCIENCES: PHYSICS, Q4 ОФИС ОП(М) ОЛПТ, 021 (физики плазмы), ЛАПЛАЗ | ||
Resummation of QED radiative corrections in a strong constant crossed field (2020) PHYSICAL REVIEW D, TOP10 032 (теоретической ядерной физики), ОФИС ОП(М) ОЛПТ, ЛАПЛАЗ | ||
Research of a pulse magnetic system for eliminating electron conductivity in an ion diode for the neutron generation (2020) JOURNAL OF PHYSICS: CONFERENCE SERIES, Q4 ОФИС ОП(М) ОЛПТ, 014 (электрофизических установок), 081 (физики микро- и наносистем), Нет данных об авторе, ЛАПЛАЗ, ИНТЭЛ | ||
REQUIREMENTS for the DUAL Fe + H/He BEAM at the ACCELERATOR HIPR for SIMULATION of NEUTRON INFLUENCE on NUCLEAR REACTOR MATERIALS (2020) JOURNAL OF PHYSICS: CONFERENCE SERIES, Q4 014 (электрофизических установок), 060 (физики экстремальных состояний вещества), ОФИС ОП(М) ОЯФТ, ЛАПЛАЗ, ИЯФИТ | ||
Relativistic magnetic reconnection in laser laboratory for testing an emission mechanism of hard-state black hole system (2020) PHYSICAL REVIEW E, Q1 ОФИС ОП(М) ОЛПТ, ЛАПЛАЗ | ||
Recursion operators and hierarchies of mKdV equations related to the Kac–Moody algebras D(1)4, D4(2), and D4(3) (2020) THEORETICAL AND MATHEMATICAL PHYSICS(RUSSIAN FEDERATION), Q3 031 (прикладной математики), ЛАПЛАЗ | ||
Rearrangement in the local, electronic and crystal structure of europium titanates under reduction and oxidation (2020) JOURNAL OF ALLOYS AND COMPOUNDS, TOP10 070 (физики твердого тела и наносистем), ОФИС ОП(М) ОЛПТ, 024 (прикладной ядерной физики), ЛАПЛАЗ | ||
Reactor studies of tritium release from lead-lithium eutectic Li15.7Pb with deuterium over the sample (2020) NUCLEAR MATERIALS AND ENERGY, Q1 021 (физики плазмы), ЛАПЛАЗ | ||
Reactive pulsed laser deposition of clustered-type mosx (X ~ 2, 3, and 4) films and their solid lubricant properties at low temperature (2020) NANOMATERIALS, Q1 070 (физики твердого тела и наносистем), ЦОО, ЛАПЛАЗ | ||
Generation of phthalocyanine nanoparticles by laser fragmentation (2020) LASER PHYSICS LETTERS, Q1 069 (физики лазерного термоядерного синтеза), ЛАПЛАЗ | ||
Radiation loads on the first mirror unit of h-alpha diagnostic in the iter equatorial port No 12 (2020) PROBLEMS OF ATOMIC SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, SERIES THERMONUCLEAR FUSION, Q3 021 (физики плазмы), ЛАПЛАЗ | ||
Quantum dot–polyfluorene composites for white-light-emitting quantum dot-based leds (2020) NANOMATERIALS, Q1 МЛ ГФОТНАНОМ, 343 (ЛНБИ), ИФИБ, ЛАПЛАЗ | ||
QR-code optical encryption in the scheme with spatially incoherent illumination based on two micromirror light modulators (2020) QUANTUM ELECTRONICS, Q3 037 (лазерной физики), ОФИС ОП(М) ОЛПТ, ЛАПЛАЗ | ||
Pyrometric investigation of nanoparticles condensation process in gaseous and superfluid helium (2020) JOURNAL OF PHYSICS: CONFERENCE SERIES, Q4 ОФИС ОП(М) ОЛПТ, ЛАПЛАЗ | ||
Diagnostic Potentials of Diamagnetic Measurements with Two Loops in Tokamaks (2020) PLASMA PHYSICS REPORTS, Q3 021 (физики плазмы), ЛАПЛАЗ | ||
Comment on "Resistive wall modes and related sideways forces in tokamak" [Phys. Plasmas (2020) PHYSICS OF PLASMAS, Q2 021 (физики плазмы), ЛАПЛАЗ | ||
Characteristics of the modification of the near-surface layer and sputtering of graphite under high intensity ion irradiation (2020) JOURNAL OF PHYSICS: CONFERENCE SERIES, Q4 021 (физики плазмы), ОФИС ОП(М) ОЛПТ, ЛАПЛАЗ | ||
Pulsed detonation hydroramjet: simulations and experiments (2020) SHOCK WAVES, Q2 004 (химической физики), Нет данных об авторе, ЛАПЛАЗ | ||
Prototype of nitro compound vapor and trace detector based on a capacitive MIS sensor (2020) SENSORS (SWITZERLAND), TOP10 ОФИС ОП(М) ОНАНО, 070 (физики твердого тела и наносистем), 027 (микро- и наноэлектроники), ИНТЭЛ, ЛАПЛАЗ | ||
Proton deflectometry of a capacitor coil target along two axes (2020) HIGH POWER LASER SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING, Q1 069 (физики лазерного термоядерного синтеза), 021 (физики плазмы), ЛАПЛАЗ | ||
Properties of laser beam passed through cluster plasma studied with diffraction pattern method (2020) JOURNAL OF PHYSICS: CONFERENCE SERIES, Q4 069 (физики лазерного термоядерного синтеза), 021 (физики плазмы), ЛАПЛАЗ | ||
Properties of graphite to be used as a material for the T-15MD tokamak plasma-facing elements (2020) JOURNAL OF PHYSICS: CONFERENCE SERIES, Q4 021 (физики плазмы), ОФИС ОП(М) ОЛПТ, ОФИС ОП(М) ОЯФТ, ЛАПЛАЗ, ИЯФИТ | ||
Properties of (Cr,Al,Si)N-(DLC-Si) composite coatings deposited on a cutting ceramic substrate (2020) CERAMICS INTERNATIONAL, Q1 070 (физики твердого тела и наносистем), ЛАПЛАЗ | ||
Propagation and Depolarization of a Short Pulse of Light in Sea Water (2020) JOURNAL OF MARINE SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING, Q2 ОФИС ОП(М) ОЛПТ, ЛАПЛАЗ | ||
Project "National Research University" – Driver of russian higher education Проект "национальныи исследовательскии университет" – драивер россииского высшего образования (2020) VYSSHEE OBRAZOVANIE V ROSSII, Q2 018 (конструирования приборов и установок), 071 (экономики и менеджмента в промышленности), ЦЕНТР МРИ, ИСПОФ, ОФИС ОП(М) ОЛПТ, ОФИС ОП(М) ОИКC, ФБИУКС, ЛАПЛАЗ, ИИКС | ||
Progress in waste utilization via thermal plasma (2020) PROGRESS IN ENERGY AND COMBUSTION SCIENCE, TOP1 021 (физики плазмы), ЛАПЛАЗ | ||
Production and Use of Selenium Nanoparticles as Fertilizers (2020) ACS OMEGA, Q2 069 (физики лазерного термоядерного синтеза), 037 (лазерной физики), ЛАПЛАЗ | ||
Preparation of Quasi-One-Dimensional Metal Heterostructures by Simultaneous Ablation of Two Targets over Superfluid Helium Surface (2020) HIGH ENERGY CHEMISTRY, Q4 ОФИС ОП(М) ОЛПТ, ЛАПЛАЗ | ||
Preparation of Mo-S-P electrocatalytic films by pulsed laser ablation of MoS2/P composite target for effective hydrogen production (2020) JOURNAL OF PHYSICS: CONFERENCE SERIES, Q4 УИНФ (Управление информатизации), 070 (физики твердого тела и наносистем), ЛАПЛАЗ | ||
Preparation and Performance of Irradiation Experiments on the HIPr-1 Heavy Ion Accelerator for Express Analysis of Tungsten and Steel (2020) PHYSICS OF ATOMIC NUCLEI, Q4 , ЛАПЛАЗ | ||
Designing Robotic Groups Under Incomplete Information About the Dominance of Many Goals (2020) MECHANISMS AND MACHINE SCIENCE, Q4 031 (прикладной математики), ЛАПЛАЗ | ||
Possibilities of Increasing the Output Radiation Power of High-Current Relativistic Gyrotrons Using Operating Modes of the TM Type (2020) BULLETIN OF THE RUSSIAN ACADEMY OF SCIENCES: PHYSICS, Q4 021 (физики плазмы), ЛАПЛАЗ | ||
Positron annihilation spectroscopy study of radiation-induced defects in W and Fe irradiated with neutrons with different spectra (2020) SCIENTIFIC REPORTS, TOP10 602 (ЛАБ ФХПСТУ), ЛАПЛАЗ | ||
Portable Hardness Tester for Instrumental Indentation (2020) JOURNAL OF SURFACE INVESTIGATION, Q4 ОФИС ОП(М) ОЛПТ, ЛАПЛАЗ | ||
Functional separation of variables in nonlinear pdes: General approach, new solutions of diffusion-type equations (2020) MATHEMATICS, Q1 031 (прикладной математики), ЛАПЛАЗ | ||
Simulation studies on the radiofrequency gun saturated emission (2020) CYBERNETICS AND PHYSICS, Q3 ОФИС ОП(М) ОЛПТ, ЛАПЛАЗ | ||
Thermal Stability of Hydrogen Clusters at Graphene and Stone—Wales Graphene Surfaces (2020) JETP LETTERS, Q2 ОФИС ОП(М) ОЛПТ, ЛАПЛАЗ | ||
Thermal Stability of Carbinofullerenes C38, C62, and C64 (2020) PHYSICS OF THE SOLID STATE, Q3 ОФИС ОП(М) ОЛПТ, ЛАПЛАЗ | ||
Magnetic Braking and Energy Loss in Contactless Bearings Based on Superconducting Tapes (2020) TECHNICAL PHYSICS, Q4 ОФИС ОП(М) ОЛПТ, ЛАПЛАЗ | ||
Decay Dynamics of Hydrogen Clusters on Surfaces of Graphene and Stone–Wales Graphene (2020) PHYSICS OF THE SOLID STATE, Q3 ОФИС ОП(М) ОЛПТ, ЛАПЛАЗ | ||
Hydrogen Solubility in Zirconium Alloys (2020) PHYSICS OF ATOMIC NUCLEI, Q4 032 (теоретической ядерной физики), ЛАПЛАЗ | ||
A Review of Hydride Reorientation in Zirconium Alloys for Water-Cooled Reactors (2020) PHYSICS OF ATOMIC NUCLEI, Q4 032 (теоретической ядерной физики), ЛАПЛАЗ | ||
Plasma-chemical processes in the mixtures "metal-organic compound" and "metal-inorganic salt" initiated by pulse radiation of gyrotron (2020) JOURNAL OF PHYSICS: CONFERENCE SERIES, Q4 069 (физики лазерного термоядерного синтеза), 087 (Кафедра лазерных микро- и нанотехнологий), ЛАПЛАЗ, ИФИБ | ||
Plasma behavior in e×h pulse discharge (2020) PROCEEDINGS - 2020 7TH INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS ON ENERGY FLUXES AND RADIATION EFFECTS, EFRE 2020, НЕТ 024 (прикладной ядерной физики), 602 (ЛАБ ФХПСТУ), 377 (Лаб. взаимодействие плазмы с поверхностью и плазменные технологии), ИФТИС, ЛАПЛАЗ | ||
Pin-to-plane self-pulsing discharge in transversal airflow: interaction with a substrate of plasma filaments blown out from the discharge zone (2020) PLASMA SOURCES SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, Q1 021 (физики плазмы), ЛАПЛАЗ | ||
Photon Doppler Velocimetry and Simulation of Ejection of Particles from the Surface of Shock-Loaded Samples (2020) JOURNAL OF EXPERIMENTAL AND THEORETICAL PHYSICS, Q3 ОФИС ОП(М) ОЛПТ, ЛАПЛАЗ | ||
Photoinactivation of coronaviruses: going along the optical spectrum (2020) LASER PHYSICS LETTERS, Q1 087 (Кафедра лазерных микро- и нанотехнологий), ОФИС ОП(М) ОЛПТ, ИФИБ, ЛАПЛАЗ | ||
Gas-discharge source of coaxial and opposite directed plasma jets based on a barrier discharge in radially converging gas flow Газоразрядныи источник соосных и разнонаправленных плазменных струи на основе барьерного разряда в радиально-сходящемся потоке (2020) APPLIED PHYSICS, Q4 021 (физики плазмы), ЛАПЛАЗ | ||
Dielectric barrier discharge in radially converging gas flow generating two coaxial and opposite directed nonthermal plasma jets (2020) JOURNAL OF PHYSICS: CONFERENCE SERIES, Q4 021 (физики плазмы), ЛАПЛАЗ | ||
Performance and mechanism of photoelectrocatalytic activity of mosx/wo3 heterostructures obtained by reactive pulsed laser deposition for water splitting (2020) NANOMATERIALS, Q1 070 (физики твердого тела и наносистем), ОФИС ОП(М) ОЛПТ, УИНФ (Управление информатизации), ЛАПЛАЗ | ||
Peculiarities of the external photoelectric effect in narrow-band semiconductors caused by soft x-ray radiation (2020) PROCEEDINGS - 2020 7TH INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS ON ENERGY FLUXES AND RADIATION EFFECTS, EFRE 2020, НЕТ 015 (физического воспитания), ОФИС ОП(М) ОЛПТ, 069 (физики лазерного термоядерного синтеза), ИОПП, ЛАПЛАЗ | ||
Parametric and Structural Optimization of Pneumatic Positioning Actuator (2020) MECHANISMS AND MACHINE SCIENCE, Q4 031 (прикладной математики), ИИКС, ЛАПЛАЗ, ИИКС | ||
Parameters of shock waves during detonation and deflagration of fuel-air clouds (2020) JOURNAL OF PHYSICS: CONFERENCE SERIES, Q4 004 (химической физики), ЛАПЛАЗ | ||
Parameters of Air Cylindrical Shock Waves (2020) RUSSIAN JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY B, Q4 004 (химической физики), ЛАПЛАЗ | ||
Strong Shock in the Uniformly Expanding Universe with a Spherical Void (2020) ASTRONOMY REPORTS, Q3 032 (теоретической ядерной физики), ЛАПЛАЗ | ||
Overview of power exhaust experiments in the COMPASS divertor with liquid metals (2020) NUCLEAR MATERIALS AND ENERGY, Q1 602 (ЛАБ ФХПСТУ), 021 (физики плазмы), ЛАПЛАЗ | ||
Overview of disruptions with JET-ILW (2020) NUCLEAR FUSION, TOP10 377 (Лаб. взаимодействие плазмы с поверхностью и плазменные технологии), ЛАПЛАЗ | ||
Overheating of Nanostructured Tendril Bundles due to Thermo-Field Emission (2020) PROCEEDINGS - INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON DISCHARGES AND ELECTRICAL INSULATION IN VACUUM, ISDEIV, Q4 ОФИС ОП(М) ОЛПТ, 021 (физики плазмы), 602 (ЛАБ ФХПСТУ), ЛАПЛАЗ | ||
Ostwald growth rate in controlled covid-19 epidemic spreading as in arrested growth in quantum complex matter (2020) CONDENSED MATTER, Q3 070 (физики твердого тела и наносистем), ЛАПЛАЗ | ||
Optical encryption of digital information in the scheme with spatially incoherent illumination based on micromirror light modulators (2020) PROCEDIA COMPUTER SCIENCE, Q2 037 (лазерной физики), ОФИС ОП(М) ОЛПТ, ЛАПЛАЗ | ||
On the Structure Stability of a Neutrally Stable Shock Wave in a Gas and on Spontaneous Emission of Perturbations (2020) JOURNAL OF EXPERIMENTAL AND THEORETICAL PHYSICS, Q3 ОФИС ОП(М) ОЛПТ, ЛАПЛАЗ | ||
On the proton radiography of magnetic fields in targets irradiated by intense picosecond laser pulses (2020) JOURNAL OF PHYSICS: CONFERENCE SERIES, Q4 032 (теоретической ядерной физики), ОФИС ОП(М) ОЛПТ, ЛАПЛАЗ, ЛАПЛАЗ | ||
On the kinetic analysis of the hydrogen thermal desorption spectra for graphite and advanced carbon nanomaterials (2020) FULLERENES NANOTUBES AND CARBON NANOSTRUCTURES, Q3 ОФИС ОП(М) ОЛПТ, ЛАПЛАЗ | ||
On the impact of substrate uniform mechanical tension on the graphene electronic structure (2020) MATERIALS, Q2 ОФИС ОП(М) ОНАНО, ОФИС ОП(М) ОЛПТ, ИНТЭЛ, ЛАПЛАЗ | ||
On some differences in the methodological approaches when modeling the parameters of pressure waves from combustion and detonation of fuel-air mixtures clouds (2020) BEZOPASNOST' TRUDA V PROMYSHLENNOSTI, Q3 004 (химической физики), ЛАПЛАЗ | ||
Obtaining Reliable Biometric Information in the Analysis of Vibration Images of the Operator's Face to Ensure the Reliability of the Human Factor of Potentially Dangerous Objects (2020) PROCEEDINGS OF 2020 23RD INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON SOFT COMPUTING AND MEASUREMENTS, SCM 2020, НЕТ ОФИС ОП(М) ОЛПТ, 017 (информатики и процессов управления), 026 (электронных измерительных систем), ЛАПЛАЗ | ||
Numerical study of momentum and energy transfer in the interaction of a laser pulse carrying orbital angular momentum with electrons (2020) HIGH ENERGY DENSITY PHYSICS, Q3 ОФИС ОП(М) ОЛПТ, ЛАПЛАЗ | ||
Numerical simulation of magnetizing processes of nickel nanowires and nanoballs grown in superfluid helium (2020) JOURNAL OF PHYSICS: CONFERENCE SERIES, Q4 ОФИС ОП(М) ОЛПТ, ЛАПЛАЗ | ||
Nuclear heat loads to the first mirror unit of h-alpha diagnostic in the ITER equatorial #12 port ТЕПЛОВЫЕ НАГРУЗКИ НА УЗЕЛ ВХОДНОГО ЗЕРКАЛА ДИАГНОСТИКИ СВЛ В ЭКВАТОРИАЛЬНОМ ПОРТУ № 12 ИТЭР (2020) PROBLEMS OF ATOMIC SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, SERIES THERMONUCLEAR FUSION, Q3 021 (физики плазмы), ЛАПЛАЗ | ||
Nonlinear Landau damping of plasma waves with orbital angular momentum (2020) PHYSICAL REVIEW E, Q1 ОФИС ОП(М) ОЛПТ, ЛАПЛАЗ | ||
Nonequilibrium Pion Distribution within the Zubarev Approach (2020) PARTICLES, Нет 032 (теоретической ядерной физики), ЛАПЛАЗ | ||
Niobium quarter-wave resonator with the optimized shape for quantum information systems (2020) EPJ QUANTUM TECHNOLOGY, Q1 , ЛАПЛАЗ | ||
Quantum particles and the ergosphere of the kerr metric (2020) JOURNAL OF PHYSICS: CONFERENCE SERIES, Q4 032 (теоретической ядерной физики), ЛАПЛАЗ | ||
New Version of the KTM Lithium Divertor (2020) PHYSICS OF ATOMIC NUCLEI, Q4 009 (физических проблем материаловедения), 021 (физики плазмы), ИЯФИТ, ЛАПЛАЗ | ||
New Heavy Ion Facility Design Project for Single Event Effect Tests (2020) 2020 20TH EUROPEAN CONFERENCE ON RADIATION AND ITS EFFECTS ON COMPONENTS AND SYSTEMS, RADECS 2020 - PROCEEDINGS, TOP10 014 (электрофизических установок), 1009 (цэпэ), ОФИС ОП(М) ОНАНО, ЛАПЛАЗ, ИНТЭЛ | ||
Development of a Frequency Control Device for a Superconducting Half-Wave Resonator (2020) PHYSICS OF ATOMIC NUCLEI, Q4 014 (электрофизических установок), ОФИС ОП(М) ОЛПТ, ЛАПЛАЗ | ||
National research and federal universities contribution to the project 5-100 (2020) VYSSHEE OBRAZOVANIE V ROSSII, Q2 018 (конструирования приборов и установок), 071 (экономики и менеджмента в промышленности), ЦЕНТР МРИ, ИСПОФ, ОФИС ОП(М) ОЛПТ, ОФИС ОП(М) ОИКC, ИФТИС, ФБИУКС, ЛАПЛАЗ, ИИКС | ||
Nanostructured steel for antibacterial applications (2020) LASER PHYSICS LETTERS, Q1 396 (ЛАББИОФОТ), ОФИС ОП(М) ОЛПТ, ИФИБ, ЛАПЛАЗ | ||
Myelin basic protein dynamics from out-of-equilibrium functional state to degraded state in myelin (2020) BIOCHIMICA ET BIOPHYSICA ACTA - BIOMEMBRANES, Q1 070 (физики твердого тела и наносистем), ЛАПЛАЗ | ||
Numerical simulation of adiabatic shear bands formation processes on two-dimensional eulerian meshes (2020) JOURNAL OF PHYSICS: CONFERENCE SERIES, Q4 031 (прикладной математики), ЛАПЛАЗ, ЛАПЛАЗ, ИИКС | ||
Multi-Factor Model of an Optical Encryption System with Spatially Incoherent Illumination (2020) OPTOELECTRONICS, INSTRUMENTATION AND DATA PROCESSING, Q3 037 (лазерной физики), ОФИС ОП(М) ОЛПТ, ЛАПЛАЗ | ||
Alternative possibility in the technology of initial preparation of a tokamak chamber for a plasma experiment on the example of TSP and T-11M АЛЬТЕРНАТИВНАЯ ВОЗМОЖНОСТЬ В ТЕХНОЛОГИИ НАЧАЛЬНОИ ПОДГОТОВКИ РАЗРЯДНОИ КАМЕРЫ ТОКАМАКА К ПЛАЗМЕННОМУ ЭКСПЕРИМЕНТУ НА ПРИМЕРЕ ТСП И Т-11М (2020) PROBLEMS OF ATOMIC SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, SERIES THERMONUCLEAR FUSION, Q3 021 (физики плазмы), ЛАПЛАЗ | ||
Research and development of chamber type industrial microwave defroster (2020) 2020 INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON ACTUAL PROBLEMS OF ELECTRON DEVICES ENGINEERING, APEDE 2020, НЕТ ОФИС ОП(М) ОЛПТ, ЛАПЛАЗ | ||
Monitoring of the Dynamics of the Development of Ischemic Processes in the Heart Using the Energy Imbalance of the Meridian Structures of the Body (2020) BIOMEDICAL ENGINEERING, Q3 ОФИС ОП(М) ОЛПТ, ЛАПЛАЗ | ||
Molecular Hyperdynamics Coupled with the Nonorthogonal Tight-Binding Approach: Implementation and Validation (2020) JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL THEORY AND COMPUTATION, TOP10 ОФИС ОП(М) ОНАНО, ИФЯЭ ЛФТПМ, ОФИС ОП(М) ОЛПТ, ИНТЭЛ, ЛАПЛАЗ | ||
Modulation Properties of an Extended Cavity Diode Laser and Dynamic Mode Splitting (2020) IEEE JOURNAL OF QUANTUM ELECTRONICS, Q2 037 (лазерной физики), ЛАПЛАЗ | ||
Modernization of the filtration system for the Doppler reflectometry diagnostics of the L-2M stellarator for operation in regimes high-power ECR heating (2020) JOURNAL OF INSTRUMENTATION, Q2 069 (физики лазерного термоядерного синтеза), ЛАПЛАЗ | ||
Modeling of COMPASS tokamak divertor liquid metal experiments (2020) NUCLEAR MATERIALS AND ENERGY, Q1 021 (физики плазмы), 602 (ЛАБ ФХПСТУ), ОФИС ОП(М) ОЛПТ, ЛАПЛАЗ | ||
Model of a Plasma Layer Formed by an Electron Beam (2020) PLASMA PHYSICS REPORTS, Q3 377 (Лаб. взаимодействие плазмы с поверхностью и плазменные технологии), 021 (физики плазмы), ЛАПЛАЗ | ||
Model for hydrogen accumulation in co-deposited layers (2020) NUCLEAR MATERIALS AND ENERGY, Q1 021 (физики плазмы), ОФИС ОП(М) ОЛПТ, ЛАПЛАЗ | ||
Mixed phase transition from hypernuclear matter to deconfined quark matter fulfilling mass-radius constraints of neutron stars (2020) JOURNAL OF PHYSICS G: NUCLEAR AND PARTICLE PHYSICS, Q1 032 (теоретической ядерной физики), ЛАПЛАЗ | ||
Miniature quantum frequency standard based on the phenomenon of coherent population trapping in vapours of Rb-87 atoms (2020) QUANTUM ELECTRONICS, Q3 078 (физико-технических проблем метрологии), ЛАПЛАЗ | ||
High-order harmonic generation by bi-elliptical orthogonally polarized two-color fields (2020) PHYSICAL REVIEW A, Q2 032 (теоретической ядерной физики), ЛАПЛАЗ | ||
Mildly relativistic collisionless shock formed by magnetic piston (2020) PHYSICS OF PLASMAS, Q2 ОФИС ОП(М) ОЛПТ, ЛАПЛАЗ | ||
Microwave Setup of Amegawatt Power Level for the ECR Plasma Heating and Current Drive System of the T-15MD Tokamak (2020) RADIOPHYSICS AND QUANTUM ELECTRONICS, Q3 ОФИС ОП(М) ОЛПТ, ЛАПЛАЗ | ||
Metrological method for determining the surface area function of the nanohardness testers tips (2020) JOURNAL OF PHYSICS: CONFERENCE SERIES, Q4 037 (лазерной физики), ОФИС ОП(М) ОЛПТ, ЛАПЛАЗ, ЛАПЛАЗ | ||
Methods for Research on the Spectra of Pulse X-Ray Radiation and Emission of Micropinched Plasma Electrons (2020) INSTRUMENTS AND EXPERIMENTAL TECHNIQUES, Q4 021 (физики плазмы), 011 (экспериментальных методов ядерной физики), ОФИС ОП(М) ОЯФТ, ЛАПЛАЗ, ИЯФИТ | ||
Method for the Precise Measurement of Wavelengths for Main Shell Transitions in He- and Li-like Ca Ions (2020) HIGH TEMPERATURE, Q2 069 (физики лазерного термоядерного синтеза), 021 (физики плазмы), ЛАПЛАЗ | ||
Effect of High-Voltage Electrode Potential Bias on the Breakdown Induced by Ionization Wave in Discharge Tube (2020) PLASMA PHYSICS REPORTS, Q3 021 (физики плазмы), ЛАПЛАЗ | ||
Megahertz single-particle imaging at the European XFEL (2020) COMMUNICATIONS PHYSICS, Q1 032 (теоретической ядерной физики), ЛАПЛАЗ | ||
Mechanisms of formation of the structure of welded joints, performed by friction stir welding (2020) JOURNAL OF PHYSICS: CONFERENCE SERIES, Q4 069 (физики лазерного термоядерного синтеза), ИФИБ, ЛАПЛАЗ, ИФИБ | ||
Measuring the Electric Field Strength of Microwave Radiation at the Frequency of the Radiation Transition Between Rydberg States of Atoms 85Rb (2020) OPTICS AND SPECTROSCOPY, Q3 078 (физико-технических проблем метрологии), ЛАПЛАЗ | ||
Measurements of 2D poloidal plasma profiles and fluctuations in ECRH plasmas using the heavy ion beam probe system in the TJ-II stellarator (2020) PHYSICS OF PLASMAS, Q2 021 (физики плазмы), ЛАПЛАЗ | ||
Measurement of the refractive index of an Er3+:YAG crystal melt (2020) JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS, Q1 069 (физики лазерного термоядерного синтеза), ЛАПЛАЗ | ||
Measurement of Electron Emission Spectra from Micropinch Discharge Plasma (2020) PHYSICS OF ATOMIC NUCLEI, Q4 021 (физики плазмы), 011 (экспериментальных методов ядерной физики), ОФИС ОП(М) ОЛПТ, ОФИС ОП(М) ОЯФТ, ЛАПЛАЗ, ИЯФИТ, ИОПП | ||
Multi-band Acousto-Optical Filters for Correlation Spectroscopy (2020) OPTICS AND SPECTROSCOPY, Q3 ОФИС ОП(М) ОЛПТ, ЛАПЛАЗ | ||
Mathematical Models for the Differential Diagnosis of Various Forms of Pyelonephritis by Expert Systems in Urology (2020) BIOMEDICAL ENGINEERING, Q3 ОФИС ОП(М) ОЛПТ, ЛАПЛАЗ | ||
Mathematical Modeling of Exhaustion Process of Extracted Mineral Resources Using the Example of Natural Uranium (2020) PHYSICS OF PARTICLES AND NUCLEI LETTERS, Q3 031 (прикладной математики), ОФИС ОП(М) ОИКC, 071 (экономики и менеджмента в промышленности), 072 (управление бизнес-проектами), ЛАПЛАЗ, ИИКС, ФБИУКС | ||
Surface Erosion of Metals under the Effect of Plasma Flows Typical of Transient Processes in Tokamaks (2020) PLASMA PHYSICS REPORTS, Q3 021 (физики плазмы), ЛАПЛАЗ | ||
Angular reflectance of a highly forward scattering medium at grazing incidence of light (2020) JOURNAL OF THE OPTICAL SOCIETY OF AMERICA A: OPTICS AND IMAGE SCIENCE, AND VISION, Q2 ОФИС ОП(М) ОЛПТ, ЛАПЛАЗ | ||
Vapor shielding of liquid lithium divertor target during steady state and transient events (2020) NUCLEAR FUSION, TOP10 ОФИС ОП(М) ОЛПТ, 377 (Лаб. взаимодействие плазмы с поверхностью и плазменные технологии), ЛАПЛАЗ | ||
Shielding of liquid metal targets in plasma of linear devices (2020) PHYSICS OF PLASMAS, Q2 ОФИС ОП(М) ОЛПТ, 377 (Лаб. взаимодействие плазмы с поверхностью и плазменные технологии), ЛАПЛАЗ | ||
Current-voltage characteristics of radiating Josephson sandwich (2020) PHYSICS LETTERS, SECTION A: GENERAL, ATOMIC AND SOLID STATE PHYSICS, Q2 032 (теоретической ядерной физики), ЛАПЛАЗ | ||
Nonlinear waves in a thin dielectric film on the surface of a topological insulator (2020) QUANTUM ELECTRONICS, Q3 ОФИС ОП(М) ОЛПТ, Ректорат, ЛАПЛАЗ | ||
Nonlinear Waves at the Interface between a Dielectric and a Topological Insulator (2020) BULLETIN OF THE RUSSIAN ACADEMY OF SCIENCES: PHYSICS, Q4 ОФИС ОП(М) ОЛПТ, Нет данных об авторе, ПРЕДУНИВЕР, ЛАПЛАЗ | ||
Localized waves in the nonlinear rhombic waveguide array (2020) JOURNAL OF PHYSICS: CONFERENCE SERIES, Q4 ОФИС ОП(М) ОЛПТ, Нет данных об авторе, ЛАПЛАЗ | ||
Localised electromagnetic waves in a rhombic waveguide array with competing nonlinearities (2020) QUANTUM ELECTRONICS, Q3 ОФИС ОП(М) ОЛПТ, ЛАПЛАЗ | ||
Fractional Nature of the Spin Moment of a Surface Wave at the Boundary of a Topological Insulator (2020) BULLETIN OF THE RUSSIAN ACADEMY OF SCIENCES: PHYSICS, Q4 ОФИС ОП(М) ОЛПТ, Нет данных об авторе, ЛАПЛАЗ | ||
Magnetoplasmadynamic thruster with an applied field based on the second generation high-temperature superconductors (2020) JOURNAL OF PHYSICS: CONFERENCE SERIES, Q4 ОФИС ОП(М) ОЛПТ, ЛАПЛАЗ | ||
Magnetization of Crystalline and Amorphous Phases of R(2)Ti(2)O(7)and R2Zr2O7(R = Gd, Dy, Tb) (2020) JOURNAL OF SUPERCONDUCTIVITY AND NOVEL MAGNETISM, Q3 ОФИС ОП(М) ОЛПТ, 070 (физики твердого тела и наносистем), 019 (химии), ЛАПЛАЗ | ||
Magnetic susceptibility of pyrochlores R2Ti2O7: R = Gd, Dy, Tb (2020) JOURNAL OF MAGNETISM AND MAGNETIC MATERIALS, Q1 ОФИС ОП(М) ОЛПТ, 070 (физики твердого тела и наносистем), ЛАПЛАЗ | ||
Magnetic Properties of Underdoped Epitaxial Films Nd2-xCe xCuO4 + δ/SrTiO3 (2020) JOURNAL OF SUPERCONDUCTIVITY AND NOVEL MAGNETISM, Q3 ОФИС ОП(М) ОЛПТ, ЛАПЛАЗ | ||
Machine learning methods for digital holography and diffractive optics (2020) PROCEDIA COMPUTER SCIENCE, Q2 ОФИС ОП(М) ОЛПТ, 037 (лазерной физики), ЛАПЛАЗ | ||
Low Recycling Divertor for JET Burning Plasma Regime (< inline-formula > < tex-math notation="LaTeX">$P_mathrmDT$ & x003E; 25 MW, < inline-formula > < tex-math notation="LaTeX">$Q_mathrmDT$ & x003E; 5), Insensitive to Plasma Physics (2020) IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON PLASMA SCIENCE, Q2 377 (Лаб. взаимодействие плазмы с поверхностью и плазменные технологии), ОФИС ОП(М) ОЛПТ, ЛАПЛАЗ | ||
Long-range coupling of individual quantum dots with plasmonic nanoparticles in a thin-film hybrid material (2020) PROCEEDINGS OF SPIE - THE INTERNATIONAL SOCIETY FOR OPTICAL ENGINEERING, Q4 МЛ ГФОТНАНОМ, 343 (ЛНБИ), ИФИБ, ЛАПЛАЗ | ||
Local Electrochemical Deposition of Nuclear Materials as a Method for Creating Miniature Solid-State Targets for Precision Measurements (2020) PHYSICS OF ATOMIC NUCLEI, Q4 ОФИС ОП(М) ОЛПТ, Нет данных об авторе, 078 (физико-технических проблем метрологии), ЛАПЛАЗ | ||
Lithium–Oxygen Power Source: the Influence of Positive Electrode Thickness on the Overall Discharge Characteristics (2020) RUSSIAN JOURNAL OF ELECTROCHEMISTRY, Q3 021 (физики плазмы), ЛАПЛАЗ | ||
Light clusters in warm stellar matter: calibrating the cluster couplings (2020) EUROPEAN PHYSICAL JOURNAL A, Q1 032 (теоретической ядерной физики), ЛАПЛАЗ | ||
Analytical approach to level delocalization and line shifts in finite temperature dense plasmas (2020) PHYSICS LETTERS, SECTION A: GENERAL, ATOMIC AND SOLID STATE PHYSICS, Q2 021 (физики плазмы), ЛАПЛАЗ | ||
The coulomb symmetry and a universal representation of rydberg spectral line shapes in magnetized plasmas (2020) SYMMETRY, TOP10 021 (физики плазмы), ЛАПЛАЗ | ||
Spectra of a rydberg atom in crossed electric and magnetic fields (2020) UNIVERSE, Q2 021 (физики плазмы), ЛАПЛАЗ | ||
Stark-Zeeman and Blokhintsev Spectra of Rydberg Atoms (2020) JOURNAL OF EXPERIMENTAL AND THEORETICAL PHYSICS, Q3 021 (физики плазмы), ЛАПЛАЗ | ||
Lensless scheme of a holographic wavefront sensor (2020) INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE LASER OPTICS 2020 (ICLO 2020), TOP10 ОФИС ОП(М) ОЛПТ, ЛАПЛАЗ | ||
Layered Self-Healing Composite Material with an Internal Functional Layer Based on Borosiloxane (2020) INORGANIC MATERIALS: APPLIED RESEARCH, Q3 070 (физики твердого тела и наносистем), ОФИС ОП(М) ОЛПТ, ЛАПЛАЗ | ||
Lattice light shift in strontium optical clock (2020) LASER PHYSICS, Q2 078 (физико-технических проблем метрологии), ЛАПЛАЗ | ||
Lateral vortex motion in highly layered electron-doped superconductor Nd2−xCexCuO4 (2020) PHYSICA C: SUPERCONDUCTIVITY AND ITS APPLICATIONS, Q3 ОФИС ОП(М) ОЛПТ, ЛАПЛАЗ | ||
Laser-induced ultrafast insulator-metal transition in BaBiO3 (2020) PHYSICAL REVIEW RESEARCH, НЕТ 070 (физики твердого тела и наносистем), 078 (физико-технических проблем метрологии), ОФИС ОП(М) ОЛПТ, ЛАПЛАЗ | ||
Laser-induced forward transfer (LIFT) as a method for destroying bacterial biofilms (2020) JOURNAL OF PHYSICS: CONFERENCE SERIES, Q4 , ЛАПЛАЗ | ||
Laser-induced fluorescent diagnostics and photodynamic therapy of cervical neoplasms (2020) PROCEEDINGS - INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE LASER OPTICS 2020, ICLO 2020, НЕТ 396 (ЛАББИОФОТ), ЛАПЛАЗ, ИФИБ | ||
Laser-assisted synthesis of composite nanoparticles of perovskite BaTiO3 in aqueous solutions and their optical properties (2020) MATERIALS, Q2 069 (физики лазерного термоядерного синтеза), ЛАПЛАЗ | ||
Laser-assisted generation of elongated Au nanoparticles in aqueous solutions of divalent ions (2020) GOLD BULLETIN, Q2 069 (физики лазерного термоядерного синтеза), ЛАПЛАЗ | ||
Laser Synthesis of Composite Nanoparticles of Perovskite BaTiO3 with Au by Laser Ablation in Aqueous Solutions (2020) PHYSICS OF WAVE PHENOMENA, Q3 069 (физики лазерного термоядерного синтеза), ЛАПЛАЗ | ||
Laser spectroscopic method for assessing the effectiveness of photodynamic therapy (controlled PDT) (2020) PROCEEDINGS - INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE LASER OPTICS 2020, ICLO 2020, НЕТ 396 (ЛАББИОФОТ), ИФИБ, ЛАПЛАЗ | ||
Large artificial ferromagnetic dot arrays for the critical current enhancement in superconducting YBa2Cu3O7-delta thin films (2020) SUPERCONDUCTOR SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, Q1 ОФИС ОП(М) ОЛПТ, 070 (физики твердого тела и наносистем), ЛАПЛАЗ | ||
Laboratory evidence for an asymmetric accretion structure upon slanted matter impact in young stars (2020) ASTRONOMY AND ASTROPHYSICS, Q1 021 (физики плазмы), ЛАПЛАЗ | ||
Automation of the construction of the soliton solutions of nonlinear Schrodinger-type equations (2020) JOURNAL OF PHYSICS: CONFERENCE SERIES, Q4 031 (прикладной математики), ЛАПЛАЗ | ||
System studies on the fusion-fission hybrid systems and its fuel cycle (2020) APPLIED SCIENCES (SWITZERLAND), Q2 , ЛАПЛАЗ | ||
On the Possibility of Surface Analysis by keV-Energy Proton Scattering in Magnetic Fusion Devices (2020) PHYSICS OF ATOMIC NUCLEI, Q4 021 (физики плазмы), ОФИС ОП(М) ОЛПТ, ЛАПЛАЗ | ||
Special issue with selected papers from the 24th International Conference on ion-surface interactions (ISI) (2020) VACUUM, Q1 021 (физики плазмы), ОФИС ОП(М) ОЛПТ, ЛАПЛАЗ | ||
Electron properties of 13-atom nanoparticle superlattices (2020) MATERIALS LETTERS, Q1 ОФИС ОП(М) ОЛПТ, ЛАПЛАЗ | ||
Iterative Binarization of Digital Holograms Using Error Diffusion Method (2020) OPTOELECTRONICS, INSTRUMENTATION AND DATA PROCESSING, Q3 037 (лазерной физики), ОФИС ОП(М) ОЛПТ, ЛАПЛАЗ | ||
Superdiffusive Transport Based on Levy Walks in a Homogeneous Medium: General and Approximate Self-Similar Solutions (2020) JOURNAL OF EXPERIMENTAL AND THEORETICAL PHYSICS, Q3 021 (физики плазмы), ЛАПЛАЗ | ||
Optical solitons of the model with arbitrary refractive index (2020) OPTIK, Q2 031 (прикладной математики), ЛАПЛАЗ | ||
Traveling wave solutions of the generalized Gerdjikov–Ivanov equation (2020) OPTIK, Q2 031 (прикладной математики), ЛАПЛАЗ | ||
Solitary wave solutions of the generalized Biswas-Arshed equation (2020) OPTIK, Q2 031 (прикладной математики), ЛАПЛАЗ | ||
Periodic and solitary waves in optical fiber Bragg gratings with dispersive reflectivity (2020) CHINESE JOURNAL OF PHYSICS, Q1 031 (прикладной математики), ЛАПЛАЗ | ||
Optical solitons of model with integrable equation for wave packet envelope (2020) CHAOS, SOLITONS AND FRACTALS, TOP10 031 (прикладной математики), ЛАПЛАЗ | ||
Optical solitons of mathematical model with arbitrary refractive index (2020) OPTIK, Q2 031 (прикладной математики), ЛАПЛАЗ | ||
On traveling wave solutions of the Kundu–Eckhaus equation (2020) OPTIK, Q2 031 (прикладной математики), ЛАПЛАЗ | ||
Highly dispersive optical solitons of equation with various polynomial nonlinearity law (2020) CHAOS, SOLITONS AND FRACTALS, TOP10 031 (прикладной математики), ЛАПЛАЗ | ||
Highly Dispersive Optical Solitons of an Equation with Arbitrary Refractive Index (2020) REGULAR AND CHAOTIC DYNAMICS, Q1 031 (прикладной математики), ЛАПЛАЗ | ||
Solitary waves of equation for propagation pulse with power nonlinearities (2020) OPTIK, Q2 031 (прикладной математики), ОДС, ЛАПЛАЗ, ИИКС | ||
Solitary wave solutions of hierarchy with non-local nonlinearity (2020) APPLIED MATHEMATICS LETTERS, TOP10 031 (прикладной математики), ЛАПЛАЗ | ||
Rational Solutions of Equations Associated with the Second Painleve Equation (2020) REGULAR AND CHAOTIC DYNAMICS, Q1 031 (прикладной математики), ЛАПЛАЗ | ||
Periodic and solitary waves of the Biswas–Arshed equation (2020) OPTIK, Q2 031 (прикладной математики), ЛАПЛАЗ | ||
Method for finding highly dispersive optical solitons of nonlinear differential equations (2020) OPTIK, Q2 031 (прикладной математики), ЛАПЛАЗ | ||
Mathematical model of propagation pulse in optical fiber with power nonlinearities (2020) OPTIK, Q2 031 (прикладной математики), ЛАПЛАЗ | ||
Lax Pairs and Special Polynomials Associated with Self-similar Reductions of Sawada — Kotera and Kupershmidt Equations (2020) REGULAR AND CHAOTIC DYNAMICS, Q1 031 (прикладной математики), ЛАПЛАЗ | ||
Lax Pair and First Integrals for Two of Nonlinear Coupled Oscillators (2020) MECHANISMS AND MACHINE SCIENCE, Q4 031 (прикладной математики), ЛАПЛАЗ | ||
Highly dispersive solitary wave solutions of perturbed nonlinear Schrodinger equations (2020) APPLIED MATHEMATICS AND COMPUTATION, TOP10 031 (прикладной математики), ЛАПЛАЗ | ||
Highly dispersive optical solitons of the generalized nonlinear eighth-order Schrodinger equation (2020) OPTIK, Q2 031 (прикладной математики), ЛАПЛАЗ | ||
First integrals and general solutions of the Biswas-Milovic equation (2020) OPTIK, Q2 031 (прикладной математики), ЛАПЛАЗ | ||
First integrals and general solution of the complex Ginzburg-Landau equation (2020) APPLIED MATHEMATICS AND COMPUTATION, TOP10 031 (прикладной математики), ЛАПЛАЗ | ||
Comment on "Construction of traveling waves patterns of (1+n)-dimensional modified Zakharov–Kuznetsov equation in plasma physics" by Adil Jhangeer and et al. [RINP, 19 2020, 103330] (2020) RESULTS IN PHYSICS, TOP10 031 (прикладной математики), ЛАПЛАЗ | ||
Application of a Computer Algebra System for Constructing Newton Polygons for Ordinary Differential Equations (2020) MECHANISMS AND MACHINE SCIENCE, Q4 031 (прикладной математики), ЛАПЛАЗ | ||
A re-visitation of the results on Fokas-Lenells equation by Mahak and Akram (2020) OPTIK, Q2 031 (прикладной математики), ЛАПЛАЗ | ||
Molecular dynamics simulation of polymerization of the carbon under thermal decomposition of methane at constant volume (2020) JOURNAL OF PHYSICS: CONFERENCE SERIES, Q4 004 (химической физики), ОФИС ОП(М) ОЛПТ, ЛАПЛАЗ | ||
Comparison of molecular dynamics simulation methods of methane shockwave compression (2020) JOURNAL OF PHYSICS: CONFERENCE SERIES, Q4 004 (химической физики), ОФИС ОП(М) ОЛПТ, ЛАПЛАЗ | ||
Application of the phase-space path integral to strong-laser-field-assisted electron-ion radiative recombination: A Gauge-covariant formulation (2020) SYMMETRY, TOP10 032 (теоретической ядерной физики), ЛАПЛАЗ | ||
On the resonances near the continua boundaries of the Dirac equation with a short-range interaction (2020) EUROPEAN PHYSICAL JOURNAL C, TOP10 ОФИС ОП(М) ОЛПТ, ЛАПЛАЗ | ||
Fractional values of orbital angular momentum in problems of classical physics (2020) JOURNAL OF PHYSICS: CONFERENCE SERIES, Q4 ОФИС ОП(М) ОЛПТ, ЛАПЛАЗ | ||
Cost optimization for information security systems (2020) JOURNAL OF PHYSICS: CONFERENCE SERIES, Q4 ОФИС ОП(М) ОЛПТ, 031 (прикладной математики), 071 (экономики и менеджмента в промышленности), ЛАПЛАЗ, ФБИУКС | ||
Sheath Physics (2020) SPRINGER SERIES IN PLASMA SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, 377 (Лаб. взаимодействие плазмы с поверхностью и плазменные технологии), ЛАПЛАЗ | ||
Preface (2020) SPRINGER SERIES IN PLASMA SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, 377 (Лаб. взаимодействие плазмы с поверхностью и плазменные технологии), ЛАПЛАЗ | ||
Plasma–Material Interactions in Magnetic Fusion Devices (2020) SPRINGER SERIES IN PLASMA SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, 377 (Лаб. взаимодействие плазмы с поверхностью и плазменные технологии), ЛАПЛАЗ | ||
Physics of Some Edge Plasma Phenomena (2020) SPRINGER SERIES IN PLASMA SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, 377 (Лаб. взаимодействие плазмы с поверхностью и плазменные технологии), ЛАПЛАЗ | ||
Fluid Description of Edge Plasma Transport (2020) SPRINGER SERIES IN PLASMA SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, 377 (Лаб. взаимодействие плазмы с поверхностью и плазменные технологии), ЛАПЛАЗ | ||
Edge Plasma Issues in Magnetic Fusion Devices (2020) SPRINGER SERIES IN PLASMA SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, 377 (Лаб. взаимодействие плазмы с поверхностью и плазменные технологии), ЛАПЛАЗ | ||
Dust in Fusion Plasmas (2020) SPRINGER SERIES IN PLASMA SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, 377 (Лаб. взаимодействие плазмы с поверхностью и плазменные технологии), ЛАПЛАЗ | ||
Conclusions and Outlook (2020) SPRINGER SERIES IN PLASMA SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, 377 (Лаб. взаимодействие плазмы с поверхностью и плазменные технологии), ЛАПЛАЗ | ||
Computational Modeling of the Edge Plasma Transport Phenomena (2020) SPRINGER SERIES IN PLASMA SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, 377 (Лаб. взаимодействие плазмы с поверхностью и плазменные технологии), ЛАПЛАЗ | ||
Atomic Physics Relevant to Fusion Plasmas (2020) SPRINGER SERIES IN PLASMA SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, 377 (Лаб. взаимодействие плазмы с поверхностью и плазменные технологии), ЛАПЛАЗ | ||
Anomalous Cross-Field Transport in Edge Plasma (2020) SPRINGER SERIES IN PLASMA SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, 377 (Лаб. взаимодействие плазмы с поверхностью и плазменные технологии), ЛАПЛАЗ | ||
Influence of Cross-Field Transport in a Divertor on Seeded Impurity Radiation and Divertor Plasma Detachment (2020) PLASMA PHYSICS REPORTS, Q3 377 (Лаб. взаимодействие плазмы с поверхностью и плазменные технологии), ЛАПЛАЗ | ||
Simulation of the isothermal and Hugoniot characteristics of organic compounds via the reactive molecular dynamics (2020) JOURNAL OF PHYSICS: CONFERENCE SERIES, Q4 004 (химической физики), ЛАПЛАЗ, ЛАПЛАЗ | ||
On numerical modeling of natural convection based on the OpenFOAM solver (2020) JOURNAL OF PHYSICS: CONFERENCE SERIES, Q4 ОФИС ОП(М) ОЛПТ, ЛАПЛАЗ | ||
Two modes of transportation of a high current ion beam with ballistic focusing (2020) PROCEEDINGS - 2020 7TH INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS ON ENERGY FLUXES AND RADIATION EFFECTS, EFRE 2020, НЕТ 021 (физики плазмы), ЛАПЛАЗ | ||
Semimicroscopic Description of High-Energy Charge-Exchange Spin-Monopole Excitations in Medium-Heavy Spherical Nuclei (2020) PHYSICS OF ATOMIC NUCLEI, Q4 032 (теоретической ядерной физики), ОФИС ОП(М) ОЛПТ, ЛАПЛАЗ | ||
Reduction of Technological Risks through Effective Human Factor Management Based on Modern Information Tools (2020) IOP CONFERENCE SERIES: EARTH AND ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE, Q4 017 (информатики и процессов управления), ИОПП, ЛАПЛАЗ | ||
Beam dynamics simulation in a linear accelerator for cern future circular collider (2020) CYBERNETICS AND PHYSICS, Q3 014 (электрофизических установок), ОФИС ОП(М) ОЛПТ, ЛАПЛАЗ | ||
Submersible High-Frequency Power Generator for Technologies Used in Removal of Asphalt-Resin-Paraffin Deposits from Well Pipes with Uninterrupted Extraction of High-Viscosity Oils (2020) CHEMICAL AND PETROLEUM ENGINEERING, Q3 1018 (руц), ОФИС ОП(М) ОЛПТ, ЛАПЛАЗ | ||
On the selection of electron-cyclotron heating frequency for T-15md tokamak (2020) PROBLEMS OF ATOMIC SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, SERIES THERMONUCLEAR FUSION, Q3 ОФИС ОП(М) ОЛПТ, ЛАПЛАЗ | ||
Study of Near-Electrode Plasma and Electrode Surface During Discharges in Electrolytes (2020) PLASMA PHYSICS REPORTS, Q3 ОФИС ОП(М) ОЛПТ, ЛАПЛАЗ | ||
The mechanism of domain walls and strings formation in the early Universe (2020) JOURNAL OF PHYSICS: CONFERENCE SERIES, Q4 ОФИС ОП(М) ОЯФТ, 014 (электрофизических установок), ИЯФИТ, ЛАПЛАЗ | ||
Kinetics of the Light-Oxygen Effect in Aqueous Solutions of Proteins (2020) BULLETIN OF THE LEBEDEV PHYSICS INSTITUTE, Q4 037 (лазерной физики), ОФИС ОП(М) ОЛПТ, ЛАПЛАЗ | ||
Kinetic Equation Approach to Graphene in Strong External Fields (2020) PARTICLES, Нет 032 (теоретической ядерной физики), ЛАПЛАЗ | ||
Mathematical Modeling of the Process of Decomposition of Ammonium Polyuranates (2020) AIP CONFERENCE PROCEEDINGS, Q4 031 (прикладной математики), ЛАПЛАЗ | ||
The interaction of waves in the Fermi–Pasta–Ulam model (2020) COMMUNICATIONS IN NONLINEAR SCIENCE AND NUMERICAL SIMULATION, TOPMEPHI 031 (прикладной математики), ЛАПЛАЗ | ||
Bifurcations in a Delay Logistic Equation Under Small Perturbations (2020) RUSSIAN MATHEMATICS, Q3 031 (прикладной математики), ЛАПЛАЗ | ||
Asymptotics of Regular Solutions to the Camassa–Holm Problem (2020) COMPUTATIONAL MATHEMATICS AND MATHEMATICAL PHYSICS, Q3 031 (прикладной математики), ЛАПЛАЗ | ||
Taking into account Abrikosov vortices in numerical solution of Ginzburg-Landau equations (2020) JOURNAL OF PHYSICS: CONFERENCE SERIES, Q4 ОФИС ОП(М) ОЛПТ, ЛАПЛАЗ | ||
High-performance micromagnetic simulations using OpenCL (2020) ACM INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE PROCEEDING SERIES, НЕТ ОФИС ОП(М) ОЛПТ, ЛАПЛАЗ | ||
High-performance GPGPU OpenCL simulation of quantum Boltzmann equation (2020) ACM INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE PROCEEDING SERIES, НЕТ ОФИС ОП(М) ОЛПТ, ЛАПЛАЗ | ||
Acceleration of Dusty Plasma Flow in Azimuthal Electric and Radial Magnetic Fields (2020) TECHNICAL PHYSICS LETTERS, Q3 014 (электрофизических установок), ЛАПЛАЗ, ОФИС ОП(М) ОЛПТ, ЛАПЛАЗ | ||
A mathematical method for the classification of promoter sequences from the A.thaliana genome (2020) JOURNAL OF PHYSICS: CONFERENCE SERIES, Q4 ОФИС ОП(М) ОИКC, 031 (прикладной математики), ИИКС, ЛАПЛАЗ | ||
Multiple alignment of promoter sequences from the human genome (2020) BIOTEKHNOLOGIYA, Q4 031 (прикладной математики), ОФИС ОП(М) ОИКC, ЛАПЛАЗ, ИИКС | ||
Isotope exchange in Li-D co-deposited layers at temperatures below 200 °C (2020) JOURNAL OF NUCLEAR MATERIALS, Q1 021 (физики плазмы), ОФИС ОП(М) ОЛПТ, ЛАПЛАЗ | ||
Ion microfield in ultracold strongly coupled plasma (2020) PHYSICS OF PLASMAS, Q2 070 (физики твердого тела и наносистем), ЛАПЛАЗ | ||
Investigation of thermal-structural characteristics at two-way shape memory effect of rapid quenched laminated amorphous-crystalline ribbons of Ti50Ni25Cu25alloy (2020) JOURNAL OF PHYSICS: CONFERENCE SERIES, Q4 070 (физики твердого тела и наносистем), ОФИС ОП(М) ОЛПТ, ЛАПЛАЗ | ||
Investigation of the properties of ti-tin-(Ti,cr,mo,al)n multilayered composite coating with wear-resistant layer of nanolayer structure (2020) COATINGS, Q2 070 (физики твердого тела и наносистем), ЛАПЛАЗ | ||
Investigation of the Laser Radiation Focusing Effect on the Sensitivity of Analysis of the Hydrogen Isotope Content in Plasma-Deposited Layers by Laser-Induced Desorption (2020) PHYSICS OF ATOMIC NUCLEI, Q4 602 (ЛАБ ФХПСТУ), 021 (физики плазмы), ОФИС ОП(М) ОЛПТ, ЛАПЛАЗ | ||
Investigation of the influence of the thickness of nanolayers in wear-resistant layers of Ti-TiN-(Ti,Cr,Al)N coating on destruction in the cutting and wear of carbide cutting tools (2020) SURFACE AND COATINGS TECHNOLOGY, Q1 070 (физики твердого тела и наносистем), ЛАПЛАЗ | ||
Investigation of the influence of optical range sensor noise on the characteristics of the description of objects in cancer diagnosis (2020) JOURNAL OF PHYSICS: CONFERENCE SERIES, Q4 046 (компьютерных медицинских систем), ОФИС ОП(М) ОБИО, ОФИС ОП(М) ОЛПТ, ИФИБ, ЛАПЛАЗ | ||
Investigation of the influence of microdroplets on the coatings nanolayer structure (2020) COATINGS, Q2 070 (физики твердого тела и наносистем), ЛАПЛАЗ | ||
Investigation of the effect of electric pulse heat treatment of rapid-quenched Ti50Ni25Cu25 alloy ribbons with a thin surface crystal layer on the structure formation from an amorphous state (2020) JOURNAL OF PHYSICS: CONFERENCE SERIES, Q4 070 (физики твердого тела и наносистем), ОФИС ОП(М) ОЛПТ, ЛАПЛАЗ | ||
Investigation of multicomponent nanolayer coatings based on nitrides of Cr, Mo, Zr, Nb, and Al (2020) SURFACE AND COATINGS TECHNOLOGY, Q1 070 (физики твердого тела и наносистем), ЛАПЛАЗ | ||
Investigation of GaAsBi epitaxial layers for THz emitters pumped by long-wavelength fiber lasers (2020) OPTICAL MATERIALS, Q2 070 (физики твердого тела и наносистем), ЛАПЛАЗ | ||
Investigated spectral-fluorescent properties of endogenous porphyrins of the wild boar hepatobiliary system optimize the diagnostics and treatment of cholangiocarcinoma with FD and PDT (2020) OPTICAL ENGINEERING, Q2 087 (Кафедра лазерных микро- и нанотехнологий), ЛАПЛАЗ, ИФИБ | ||
Investigate of hybrid mode-locked in a long-cavity ytterbium-doped fiber laser (2020) INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE LASER OPTICS 2020 (ICLO 2020), TOP10 087 (Кафедра лазерных микро- и нанотехнологий), 069 (физики лазерного термоядерного синтеза), ЛАПЛАЗ | ||
Integration of coupled modeling of the core and divertor plasmas into “FC-FNS” code and application to DEMO-FNS project (2020) FUSION ENGINEERING AND DESIGN, Q2 377 (Лаб. взаимодействие плазмы с поверхностью и плазменные технологии), 021 (физики плазмы), ЛАПЛАЗ | ||
Inhomogeneity and anisotropy in nanostructured melt-spun ti2 nicu shape-memory ribbons (2020) MATERIALS, Q2 ОФИС ОП(М) ОЛПТ, ЛАПЛАЗ | ||
Influence of the thickness of nanolayers in wear-resistant layer of Ti-TiN-(Ti,Cr,Al)N coating on the tool life and wear pattern of the carbide cutting tools in steel turning (2020) PROCEDIA CIRP, Q2 070 (физики твердого тела и наносистем), ЛАПЛАЗ | ||
Influence of the thickness of a nanolayer composite coating on values of residual stress and the nature of coating wear (2020) COATINGS, Q2 070 (физики твердого тела и наносистем), ЛАПЛАЗ | ||
Influence of the nanostructure of Ti-TiN-(Ti,Al,Cr)N multilayer composite coating on tribological properties and cutting tool life (2020) TRIBOLOGY INTERNATIONAL, TOP10 070 (физики твердого тела и наносистем), ЛАПЛАЗ | ||
Influence of the holding temperature on the kinetics of the isothermal B2 → B19′ transformation in TiNi-based shape memory alloy (2020) JOURNAL OF THERMAL ANALYSIS AND CALORIMETRY, Q1 ОФИС ОП(М) ОЛПТ, ЛАПЛАЗ | ||
Influence of the Chemical Composition and Local Atomic Packing of Nanostructured MoSx and MoSex Solid Lubricant Coatings on Their Tribological Properties under Complicated Conditions (2020) TECHNICAL PHYSICS LETTERS, Q3 070 (физики твердого тела и наносистем), ЦОО, ЛАПЛАЗ, ИЯФИТ | ||
Influence of plasma heat loads relevant to ITER transient events on deuterium retention in tungsten (2020) PHYSICA SCRIPTA, Q2 021 (физики плазмы), ОФИС ОП(М) ОЛПТ, ЛАПЛАЗ | ||
Influence of birefringent fibre joints on the visibility drift in a Mach - Zehnder interferometer (2020) QUANTUM ELECTRONICS, Q3 Нет данных об авторе, ЛАПЛАЗ | ||
Influence of an electric field on Rydberg nD states of cold lithium atoms (2020) JOURNAL OF PHYSICS: CONFERENCE SERIES, Q4 070 (физики твердого тела и наносистем), ЛАПЛАЗ | ||
Improvement of field effect capacity type gas sensor thermo inertial parameters by using laser micromilling technique (2020) MATERIALS SCIENCE FORUM, Q4 ОФИС ОП(М) ОНАНО, 027 (микро- и наноэлектроники), ИНТЭЛ, 070 (физики твердого тела и наносистем), ИНТЭЛ, ЛАПЛАЗ | ||
Implementation of Fourier holograms using high-performance DMD SLM (2020) PROCEDIA COMPUTER SCIENCE, Q2 ОФИС ОП(М) ОЛПТ, 037 (лазерной физики), ЛАПЛАЗ | ||
Implementation of amplitude-phase analysis of complex interferograms for measurement of spontaneous magnetic fields in laser generated plasma (2020) AIP ADVANCES, Q2 032 (теоретической ядерной физики), ЛАПЛАЗ | ||
Implementation Features of Invariant Optical Correlator Based on Amplitude LC SLM (2020) OPTICAL MEMORY AND NEURAL NETWORKS (INFORMATION OPTICS), Q2 037 (лазерной физики), ОФИС ОП(М) ОЛПТ, ЛАПЛАЗ | ||
Impact of the pre-deposited surface charge on the breakdown in a dielectric barrier discharge in the air (2020) JOURNAL OF PHYSICS: CONFERENCE SERIES, Q4 021 (физики плазмы), ЛАПЛАЗ | ||
Relationship between the Surface Morphology of Thin YBa2Cu3O7 –x Films Obtained by Pulsed Laser Deposition and the Endset Temperature of Superconducting Transition (2020) PHYSICS OF THE SOLID STATE, Q3 ОФИС ОП(М) ОЛПТ, ЛАПЛАЗ | ||
Stability of finite perturbations of the phase transition interface for one problem of water evaporation in a porous medium (2020) APPLIED MATHEMATICS AND COMPUTATION, TOP10 004 (химической физики), ЛАПЛАЗ | ||
Dynamics of Perturbations under Diffusion in a Porous Medium (2020) PROCEEDINGS OF THE STEKLOV INSTITUTE OF MATHEMATICS, Q2 ОФИС ОП(М) ОЛПТ, ЛАПЛАЗ | ||
Critical Evolution of Finite Perturbations of a Water Evaporation Surface in Porous Media (2020) FLUID DYNAMICS, Q3 004 (химической физики), ЛАПЛАЗ | ||
Characterization and dynamical stability of fully nonlinear strain solitary waves in a fluid-filled hyperelastic membrane tube (2020) ACTA MECHANICA, Q1 004 (химической физики), ЛАПЛАЗ | ||
Identification of the sintering mechanism of oxide nuclear fuel through the analysis of experimental pore size distributions (2020) JOURNAL OF THE PHYSICAL SOCIETY OF JAPAN, Q2 032 (теоретической ядерной физики), 060 (физики экстремальных состояний вещества), ОФИС ОП(М) ОЯФТ, 1001 (ОНИЛ-709), 009 (физических проблем материаловедения), ЛАПЛАЗ, ИЯФИТ | ||
Identification of Organic Matter Dispersions Based on Light Scattering Matrices Focusing on Soil Organic Matter Management (2020) ACS OMEGA, Q2 ОФИС ОП(М) ОЛПТ, ЛАПЛАЗ | ||
Hybrid Laser Nanotechnologies for Controlling Resistant Bacterial Biofilms (2020) BULLETIN OF THE RUSSIAN ACADEMY OF SCIENCES: PHYSICS, Q4 ОФИС ОП(М) ОЛПТ, ЛАПЛАЗ | ||
Hybrid interferometer system for velocity measurements (2020) JOURNAL OF PHYSICS: CONFERENCE SERIES, Q4 037 (лазерной физики), ОФИС ОП(М) ОЛПТ, ЛАПЛАЗ | ||
Hot electron retention in laser plasma created under terawatt subnanosecond irradiation of Cu targets (2020) PLASMA PHYSICS AND CONTROLLED FUSION, TOP10 088 (Кафедра полупроводниковой квантовой электроники), 032 (теоретической ядерной физики), ОФИС ОП(М) ОЛПТ, ИФИБ, ЛАПЛАЗ | ||
Hot electron generation via internal surface photo-effect in structures with quantum well (2020) PROCEEDINGS OF SPIE - THE INTERNATIONAL SOCIETY FOR OPTICAL ENGINEERING, Q4 , ЛАПЛАЗ | ||
High-speed implementation of holographic and diffraction elements using digital micromirror devices (2020) QUANTUM ELECTRONICS, Q3 037 (лазерной физики), ОФИС ОП(М) ОЛПТ, ЛАПЛАЗ | ||
High-precision studies of the soft dipole mode in two-neutron halo nuclei: The He-6 case (2020) PHYSICAL REVIEW C, Q1 032 (теоретической ядерной физики), ЛАПЛАЗ | ||
Helium retention in tungsten under plasma and ion beam irradiation and its impact on surface morphology (2020) PHYSICA SCRIPTA, Q2 ОФИС ОП(М) ОЛПТ, 021 (физики плазмы), 377 (Лаб. взаимодействие плазмы с поверхностью и плазменные технологии), ЛАПЛАЗ | ||
Helium accumulation in tungsten layers deposited in Ar-He magnetron discharge (2020) JOURNAL OF PHYSICS: CONFERENCE SERIES, Q4 602 (ЛАБ ФХПСТУ), 021 (физики плазмы), ОФИС ОП(М) ОЛПТ, ЛАПЛАЗ | ||
Heavy Fragments Identification Using Energy Loss Method in the STS Detector of the CBM Experiment (2020) MATHEMATICAL MODELING AND COMPUTATIONAL PHYSICS 2019 (MMCP 2019), НЕТ 031 (прикладной математики), ЛАПЛАЗ, ИИКС | ||
Hardening of steel with a defocused and oscillating laser beam (2020) JOURNAL OF PHYSICS: CONFERENCE SERIES, Q4 037 (лазерной физики), ОФИС ОП(М) ОЛПТ, ЛАПЛАЗ | ||
Generation of elliptically polarized high-order harmonics exposing aligned diatomic molecules to orthogonally polarized two-color fields (2020) OPTICS INFOBASE CONFERENCE PAPERS, НЕТ 032 (теоретической ядерной физики), ЛАПЛАЗ | ||
Gyrotron setup for ECR-heating system of T-15MD TOKAMAK (2020) PROCEEDINGS OF SPIE - THE INTERNATIONAL SOCIETY FOR OPTICAL ENGINEERING, Q4 021 (физики плазмы), ЛАПЛАЗ | ||
Guided Vortex Motion Control in Superconducting Thin Films by Sawtooth Ion Surface Modification (2020) ACS APPLIED MATERIALS AND INTERFACES, TOPMEPHI 070 (физики твердого тела и наносистем), ЛАПЛАЗ | ||
Thermodynamic modeling of hydrogen fluid parameters at isentropic and shock wave compression (2020) JOURNAL OF PHYSICS: CONFERENCE SERIES, Q4 004 (химической физики), ЛАПЛАЗ, ЛАПЛАЗ | ||
Growth of Thin Graphite Films on a Dielectric Substrate using Heteroepitaxial Synthesis (2020) TECHNICAL PHYSICS LETTERS, Q3 021 (физики плазмы), 377 (Лаб. взаимодействие плазмы с поверхностью и плазменные технологии), ЛАПЛАЗ | ||
New Phase of Nonmolecular Polymeric Nitrogen Stable at Zero Pressure (2020) JETP LETTERS, Q2 ИФЯЭ ЛФТПМ, 602 (ЛАБ ФХПСТУ), ИНТЭЛ, ЛАПЛАЗ | ||
The use of scintillation crystals in nuclear medicine (2020) PROCEDIA COMPUTER SCIENCE, Q2 021 (физики плазмы), ОФИС ОП(М) ОЯФТ, ЛАПЛАЗ, ИЯФИТ | ||
Coherent backscattering from an ensemble of Mie-particles immersed in a magneto-active medium (2020) JOURNAL OF PHYSICS: CONFERENCE SERIES, Q4 ОФИС ОП(М) ОЛПТ, ЛАПЛАЗ | ||
Semimicroscopic Description of Isoscalar Giant Multipole Resonances in the 208Pb Nucleus (2020) PHYSICS OF ATOMIC NUCLEI, Q4 ОФИС ОП(М) ОЛПТ, ЛАПЛАЗ | ||
Dependence of electron-lattice scattering cross sections on crystallographic orientations in Al2O3 and Mg2SiO4 (2020) NUCLEAR INSTRUMENTS AND METHODS IN PHYSICS RESEARCH, SECTION B: BEAM INTERACTIONS WITH MATERIALS AND ATOMS, Q2 ОФИС ОП(М) ОЛПТ, ЛАПЛАЗ | ||
Quantum mechanics of stationary states of particles in a space–time of classical black holes (2020) THEORETICAL AND MATHEMATICAL PHYSICS(RUSSIAN FEDERATION), Q3 032 (теоретической ядерной физики), ЛАПЛАЗ | ||
Giant nonlocality in nearly compensated two-dimensional semimetals (2020) PHYSICAL REVIEW B, Q1 032 (теоретической ядерной физики), ЛАПЛАЗ | ||
Ghost imaging at an XUV free-electron laser (2020) PHYSICAL REVIEW A, Q2 032 (теоретической ядерной физики), ЛАПЛАЗ | ||
Generation of Rogue Waves in Gyrotrons with High-Current Relativistic Beams (2020) BULLETIN OF THE RUSSIAN ACADEMY OF SCIENCES: PHYSICS, Q4 021 (физики плазмы), ЛАПЛАЗ | ||
Generation of elliptically polarized soft x rays using high-order harmonic generation with orthogonal two-color laser fields (2020) JOURNAL OF PHYSICS: CONFERENCE SERIES, Q4 032 (теоретической ядерной физики), ЛАПЛАЗ | ||
Generation of beam-plasma formation in a cylindrical extended hollow grid anode (2020) PROCEEDINGS - 2020 7TH INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS ON ENERGY FLUXES AND RADIATION EFFECTS, EFRE 2020, НЕТ 021 (физики плазмы), ЛАПЛАЗ | ||
General Features of Size Distributions and Internal Structure of Particles in Aqueous Nanosuspensions (2020) PHYSICS OF WAVE PHENOMENA, Q3 037 (лазерной физики), ОФИС ОП(М) ОЛПТ, ЛАПЛАЗ | ||
Gas-dynamic structure of a plasma jet in He and Ar, striking the surface of a liquid and a plane dielectric (2020) JOURNAL OF PHYSICS: CONFERENCE SERIES, Q4 021 (физики плазмы), ЛАПЛАЗ | ||
Gain of electron orbital angular momentum in a direct laser acceleration process (2020) PHYSICAL REVIEW E, Q1 ОФИС ОП(М) ОЛПТ, ЛАПЛАЗ | ||
Formation of structure of TiNiCu alloys with high copper content upon producing by planar flow casting (2020) JOURNAL OF PHYSICS: CONFERENCE SERIES, Q4 ОФИС ОП(М) ОЛПТ, ОФИС ОП(М) ОЯФТ, 070 (физики твердого тела и наносистем), ЛАПЛАЗ, ИЯФИТ | ||
Formation of Effective Electrocatalysts of Hydrogen Evolution MoSx > 2 by Pulsed Laser Ablation Assisted by the Deposition of Mo Nanoparticles (2020) RUSSIAN JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY B, Q4 070 (физики твердого тела и наносистем), УИНФ (Управление информатизации), ОФИС ОП(М) ОЛПТ, ЛАПЛАЗ | ||
Formation and properties of thin Mo and Mo oxide nanoparticle films (2020) MATERIALS LETTERS, Q1 ОФИС ОП(М) ОЛПТ, 078 (физико-технических проблем метрологии), ЛАПЛАЗ | ||
Flagship universities as development potential of regions and industries (2020) VYSSHEE OBRAZOVANIE V ROSSII, Q2 018 (конструирования приборов и установок), 071 (экономики и менеджмента в промышленности), ЦЕНТР МРИ, ИСПОФ, ОФИС ОП(М) ОЛПТ, ОФИС ОП(М) ОИКC, ФБИУКС, ЛАПЛАЗ, ИИКС | ||
Strong correlations in dense matter (2020) EUROPEAN PHYSICAL JOURNAL: SPECIAL TOPICS, Q2 032 (теоретической ядерной физики), ЛАПЛАЗ | ||
First-order phase transition from hypernuclear matter to deconfined quark matter obeying new constraints from compact star observations (2020) PHYSICAL REVIEW C, Q1 032 (теоретической ядерной физики), ЛАПЛАЗ | ||
Filtered cathodic vacuum arc deposition (FCVAD) technology as method for creation of nanostructured multicomponent modifying coatings for wide application range (2020) PROCEDIA CIRP, Q2 070 (физики твердого тела и наносистем), ЛАПЛАЗ | ||
Femtosecond laser produced periodic plasma in a colloidal crystal probed by XFEL radiation (2020) SCIENTIFIC REPORTS, TOP10 032 (теоретической ядерной физики), ЛАПЛАЗ | ||
Features of Sliding Friction on Thin-Film Mo–S–C Coatings Prepared by Pulsed Laser Deposition (2020) JOURNAL OF FRICTION AND WEAR, Q3 070 (физики твердого тела и наносистем), ЛАПЛАЗ | ||
Features of pulsed laser ablation of MoS2and MoSe2targets and their influence on the tribological properties of the deposited low friction films (2020) JOURNAL OF PHYSICS: CONFERENCE SERIES, Q4 070 (физики твердого тела и наносистем), ЦОО, ЛАПЛАЗ | ||
Fast increase of quality of optically reconstructed images in digital holography (2020) PROCEEDINGS OF SPIE - THE INTERNATIONAL SOCIETY FOR OPTICAL ENGINEERING, Q4 ОФИС ОП(М) ОЛПТ, 037 (лазерной физики), ЛАПЛАЗ | ||
Fabrication of diamond diffractive optics for powerful CO2 lasers via replication of laser microstructures on silicon template (2020) DIAMOND AND RELATED MATERIALS, Q1 069 (физики лазерного термоядерного синтеза), 087 (Кафедра лазерных микро- и нанотехнологий), ОФИС ОП(М) ОЛПТ, ЛАПЛАЗ, ИФИБ | ||
Fabrication of Au/Ni/boron-doped diamond electrodes via hydrogen plasma etching graphite and amorphous boron for efficient non-enzymatic sensing of glucose (2020) JOURNAL OF ELECTROANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY, Q1 ОФИС ОП(М) ОЛПТ, ЛАПЛАЗ | ||
Extracting photoelectron spectra from the time-dependent wave function: Comparison of the projection onto continuum states and window-operator methods (2020) PHYSICAL REVIEW A, Q2 032 (теоретической ядерной физики), ЛАПЛАЗ | ||
Experimental results for layered targets irradiated by double focal spot (2020) ACTA PHYSICA POLONICA A, Q3 Нет данных об авторе, 021 (физики плазмы), ЛАПЛАЗ | ||
Experimental research of condensation processes occurring under laser ablation in superfluid helium and vacuum Експериментальне дослідження процесів конденсаціі, які відбуваються при лазерніи абляціі у надплинному геліі та вакуумі (2020) LOW TEMPERATURE PHYSICS, Q4 ОФИС ОП(М) ОЛПТ, ЛАПЛАЗ | ||
Experimental observation of the vibration-rotation radiation curves of (CO2)-C-12-O-16 and (CO2)-C-13-O-16 absorption constants ranging from 4860 to 4880 sm(-1) by the tunable diode laser absorption spectroscopy method (2020) LASER PHYSICS LETTERS, Q1 ОФИС ОП(М) ОЛПТ, ФПКПК, ЛАПЛАЗ | ||
Experimental measurement of collision broadening of vibrational-rotational spectral lines(12)C(16)O(2)and(13)C(16)O(2)in the 4860-4880 cm(-1)region by diode laser absorption spectroscopy (2020) LASER PHYSICS LETTERS, Q1 ОФИС ОП(М) ОЛПТ, ФПКПК, ЛАПЛАЗ | ||
Experimental characterization of the interaction zone between counter-propagating Taylor Sedov blast waves (2020) PHYSICS OF PLASMAS, Q2 021 (физики плазмы), 069 (физики лазерного термоядерного синтеза), ЛАПЛАЗ | ||
Experimental and computational determination of hardened zones during laser hardening of steels (2020) IOP CONFERENCE SERIES: MATERIALS SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING, Q4 037 (лазерной физики), ОФИС ОП(М) ОЛПТ, ЛАПЛАЗ | ||
Evolution of surface relief of epitaxial diamond films upon growth resumption by microwave plasma chemical vapor deposition (2020) CRYSTENGCOMM, Q1 ОФИС ОП(М) ОЛПТ, 069 (физики лазерного термоядерного синтеза), ЛАПЛАЗ | ||
Evidence for the First Excited State of H 7 (2020) PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS, TOP10 060 (физики экстремальных состояний вещества), 032 (теоретической ядерной физики), ИЯФИТ, ЛАПЛАЗ | ||
Evaluation of fuelling requirements for core density and divertor heat load control in non-stationary phases of the ITER DT 15 MA baseline scenario (2020) NUCLEAR FUSION, TOP10 377 (Лаб. взаимодействие плазмы с поверхностью и плазменные технологии), ЛАПЛАЗ | ||
Estimation of the charge state of Th implanted in SiO2in the different atomic environment (2020) JOURNAL OF PHYSICS: CONFERENCE SERIES, Q4 ОФИС ОП(М) ОЛПТ, 078 (физико-технических проблем метрологии), ЛАПЛАЗ | ||
Estimation of ELM effects on Be and W erosion at JET-ILW (2020) PHYSICA SCRIPTA, Q2 021 (физики плазмы), ЛАПЛАЗ | ||
Estimation of electron-phonon coupling constant in Ba1-xKxBiO3 (2020) JOURNAL OF PHYSICS: CONFERENCE SERIES, Q4 070 (физики твердого тела и наносистем), ОФИС ОП(М) ОЛПТ, ЛАПЛАЗ | ||
Moisture retention influence on the anti-reflection properties of magnetron sputtered Low-E coating stacks with ZnSnOx top layers (2020) JOURNAL OF PHYSICS: CONFERENCE SERIES, Q4 ОФИС ОП(М) ОЛПТ, ЛАПЛАЗ | ||
Equation of State Constraints from the Threshold Binary Mass for Prompt Collapse of Neutron Star Mergers (2020) PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS, TOP10 032 (теоретической ядерной физики), ЛАПЛАЗ | ||
Enhancement of the quantum dot photoluminescence using transfer-printed porous silicon microcavities (2020) JOURNAL OF PHYSICS: CONFERENCE SERIES, Q4 МЛ ГФОТНАНОМ, 078 (физико-технических проблем метрологии), ИФИБ, ЛАПЛАЗ | ||
Enhanced particle flux due to localized divertor MHD instability in DIII-D tokamak (2020) PHYSICS OF PLASMAS, Q2 ЛАПЛАЗ, ЛАПЛАЗ | ||
Energy relaxation in Landau levels in quantum well structures: Different scenarios of inter-level kinetics (2020) PHYSICA E: LOW-DIMENSIONAL SYSTEMS AND NANOSTRUCTURES, Q1 070 (физики твердого тела и наносистем), ЛАПЛАЗ | ||
Energy Confinement in Self-Organized Tokamak Plasma (without Transport Barriers) (2020) PLASMA PHYSICS REPORTS, Q3 ОФИС ОП(М) ОЛПТ, ЛАПЛАЗ | ||
Endoscope Emulator Test Bench for ITER Dust Monitor Diagnostic (2020) IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON PLASMA SCIENCE, Q2 ОФИС ОП(М) ОЛПТ, Нет данных об авторе, ЛАПЛАЗ | ||
Electrophysical and Photo-Electrocatalytic Properties of MoS2 Nanofilms (2020) PHYSICS OF ATOMIC NUCLEI, Q4 070 (физики твердого тела и наносистем), УИНФ (Управление информатизации), ОФИС ОП(М) ОЛПТ, ЛАПЛАЗ | ||
Electrical properties of He-induced W "fuzz" within the pre-breakdown and breakdown regimes (2020) PROCEEDINGS - INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON DISCHARGES AND ELECTRICAL INSULATION IN VACUUM, ISDEIV, Q4 021 (физики плазмы), ЛАПЛАЗ | ||
Efficiency of organizations entitled to award academic degrees (2020) INTEGRATION OF EDUCATION, Q2 004 (химической физики), ЛАПЛАЗ | ||
Efficiency of COVID-19 mobile contact tracing containment by measuring time-dependent doubling time (2020) PHYSICAL BIOLOGY, Q2 070 (физики твердого тела и наносистем), ЛАПЛАЗ | ||
Effects of laser treatment modes on the parameters of the hardening zones and the wear resistance of steel 40Cr (2020) IOP CONFERENCE SERIES: MATERIALS SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING, Q4 ОФИС ОП(М) ОЛПТ, 037 (лазерной физики), ЛАПЛАЗ | ||
Effects of Ar ion irradiation in an ICP discharge on the titanium surface topology (2020) APPLIED SURFACE SCIENCE, TOP10 377 (Лаб. взаимодействие плазмы с поверхностью и плазменные технологии), ЛАПЛАЗ | ||
Effect of the speed of the flat substrate movement on the air plasma jet transversal spreading at its impinging the surface (2020) JOURNAL OF PHYSICS: CONFERENCE SERIES, Q4 021 (физики плазмы), ЛАПЛАЗ | ||
Effect of the Chemical and Phase Composition of Nanocrystalline Gadolinium Complex Oxides on the Propane Cracking Process (2020) PETROLEUM CHEMISTRY, Q3 070 (физики твердого тела и наносистем), ОФИС ОП(М) ОЛПТ, ЛАПЛАЗ | ||
Effect of Spectral Overlap and Separation Distance on Exciton and Biexciton Quantum Yields and Radiative and Nonradiative Recombination Rates in Quantum Dots Near Plasmon Nanoparticles (2020) ANNALEN DER PHYSIK, Q1 МЛ ГФОТНАНОМ, 343 (ЛНБИ), ИФИБ, ЛАПЛАЗ | ||
Effect of plastic coating on the density of plasma formed in Si foil targets irradiated by ultra-high-contrast relativistic laser pulses (2020) PHYSICAL REVIEW E, Q1 021 (физики плазмы), 069 (физики лазерного термоядерного синтеза), ЛАПЛАЗ | ||
Effect of Nd and Rh substitution on the spin dynamics of the Kondo-insulator CeFe2Al10 (2020) PHYSICAL REVIEW B, Q1 070 (физики твердого тела и наносистем), ЛАПЛАЗ | ||
Effect of high-pressure torsion on the structure and properties of the natural layered amorphous-crystalline Ti2NiCu composite (2020) JOURNAL OF ALLOYS AND COMPOUNDS, TOP10 070 (физики твердого тела и наносистем), ОФИС ОП(М) ОЛПТ, ЛАПЛАЗ | ||
Effect of ECH/ECCD on energetic-particle-driven MHD modes in helical plasmas (2020) NUCLEAR FUSION, TOP10 021 (физики плазмы), ЛАПЛАЗ | ||
Hydrogen, helium and lithium plasmas at high pressures (2020) EUROPEAN PHYSICAL JOURNAL: SPECIAL TOPICS, Q2 032 (теоретической ядерной физики), ЛАПЛАЗ | ||
Excitation of Th 229m in the electron bridge via continuum, as a scattering process (2020) PHYSICAL REVIEW C, Q1 078 (физико-технических проблем метрологии), ЛАПЛАЗ | ||
Turning Channel of Uranium Ions with Suppressed Dispersion at the Edges for DERICA Project (2020) PHYSICS OF ATOMIC NUCLEI, Q4 ОФИС ОП(М) ОЛПТ, ЛАПЛАЗ | ||
Dynamics of laser-driven heavy-ion acceleration clarified by ion charge states (2020) PHYSICAL REVIEW RESEARCH, НЕТ ИЛАПЛАЗ УО, ЛАПЛАЗ | ||
Dynamic Vortex States in High-Temperature Superconductors under Pulsed Magnetization (2020) PHYSICS OF THE SOLID STATE, Q3 ЛАПЛАЗ, 006 (общей физики), ОФИС ОП(М) ОЛПТ, ЛАПЛАЗ | ||
Dynamic Continuous-Wave Spectroscopy of Coherent Population Trapping at Phase-Jump Modulation (2020) PHYSICAL REVIEW APPLIED, Q1 037 (лазерной физики), ЛАПЛАЗ | ||
Simulation of the Formation of the Squeezed State of an Electron Beam with a Sublimiting Beam Current in a Closed Drift Tube (2020) TECHNICAL PHYSICS, Q4 021 (физики плазмы), ЛАПЛАЗ | ||
Simulation of Charged Electron Plasma Heating by an Additional Electron Beam (2020) PLASMA PHYSICS REPORTS, Q3 СарФТИ НИЯУ МИФИ, 021 (физики плазмы), ЛАПЛАЗ | ||
Simulation of a Magnetically Isolated Vircator with an Under-Limit Electron Beam (2020) PLASMA PHYSICS REPORTS, Q3 СарФТИ НИЯУ МИФИ, 021 (физики плазмы), ЛАПЛАЗ | ||
PIC Simulation of the High-Power Microwave Radiation in a Radial-Type Reflex Triode With a Converging Magnetized Electron Beam (2020) IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON PLASMA SCIENCE, Q2 021 (физики плазмы), ЛАПЛАЗ | ||
PIC Simulation of the Generation of Microwave Radiation in the Reflex Triode of Radial Type with a Divergent Magnetized Electron Beam (2020) TECHNICAL PHYSICS LETTERS, Q3 СарФТИ НИЯУ МИФИ, 021 (физики плазмы), ЛАПЛАЗ | ||
Nonlinear Dynamics of Phase Space Structures Arising from Counterinjection of Overlimiting Relativistic Electron Beams into a Long Equipotential Cavity (2020) PHYSICS OF WAVE PHENOMENA, Q3 021 (физики плазмы), ЛАПЛАЗ | ||
Multivircator as a New Highly Effective Microwave Generator with Multiple Virtual Cathodes: Concept and PIC-Simulation (2020) IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON PLASMA SCIENCE, Q2 СарФТИ НИЯУ МИФИ, 021 (физики плазмы), ЛАПЛАЗ | ||
Dual-wavelength Soliton Dumbbell-shaped Thulium-doped Fiber Laser (2020) INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE LASER OPTICS 2020 (ICLO 2020), TOP10 069 (физики лазерного термоядерного синтеза), ЛАПЛАЗ | ||
Group Classification of the System of Equations of Two-Dimensional Shallow Water over Uneven Bottom (2020) RUSSIAN JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICAL PHYSICS, Q2 031 (прикладной математики), ЛАПЛАЗ | ||
Conservation laws of the equation of one-dimensional shallow water over uneven bottom in Lagrange's variables (2020) INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF NON-LINEAR MECHANICS, Q1 031 (прикладной математики), ЛАПЛАЗ | ||
Dramatic impact of intermediate-valence impurity on induced magnetism in singlet ground state system PrNi (2020) JOURNAL OF MAGNETISM AND MAGNETIC MATERIALS, Q1 032 (теоретической ядерной физики), 070 (физики твердого тела и наносистем), ЛАПЛАЗ | ||
Dominant factors for the pinning enhancement by large artificial partial and complete antidots in superconducting films (2020) SUPERCONDUCTOR SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, Q1 070 (физики твердого тела и наносистем), ЛАПЛАЗ | ||
Attenuation of Shock Waves in Reactive Materials (2020) RUSSIAN JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY B, Q4 004 (химической физики), ЛАПЛАЗ | ||
Directional autonomous water flow in laser-engineered microfluidic gradient structures on polymethylmetacrylate-coated steel surface (2020) LASER PHYSICS LETTERS, Q1 ОФИС ОП(М) ОЛПТ, ЛАПЛАЗ | ||
Digital Microscopy Technologies: A Method for Constructing Incision Lines on Cell Conglomerate Images (2020) BULLETIN OF THE LEBEDEV PHYSICS INSTITUTE, Q4 046 (компьютерных медицинских систем), ОФИС ОП(М) ОБИО, ОФИС ОП(М) ОЛПТ, ИФИБ, ИФИБ, ЛАПЛАЗ | ||
Diffraction data from aerosolized Coliphage PR772 virus particles imaged with the Linac Coherent Light Source (2020) SCIENTIFIC DATA, TOP10 032 (теоретической ядерной физики), ЛАПЛАЗ | ||
Dielectronic recombination in non-LTE plasmas (2020) MATTER AND RADIATION AT EXTREMES, Q1 021 (физики плазмы), ЛАПЛАЗ | ||
Development of the Geometry Database for the BM@N Experiment of the NICA Project (2020) MATHEMATICAL MODELING AND COMPUTATIONAL PHYSICS 2019 (MMCP 2019), НЕТ 031 (прикладной математики), ЛАПЛАЗ | ||
Development of Quality Tungsten Coating on Ceramics as a Microwave Shield for ITER High-Frequency Magnetic Sensor (2020) FUSION SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, Q2 ОФИС ОП(М) ОЛПТ, 021 (физики плазмы), ЛАПЛАЗ | ||
Development of a tomographic reconstruction method for axisymmetric D(alpha)emission profiles in the ITER plasma boundary (2020) PLASMA PHYSICS AND CONTROLLED FUSION, TOP10 021 (физики плазмы), ЛАПЛАЗ | ||
Development of a broad band AC power amplifier for real time turbulence feedback control experiment in the Saskatchewan Torus-modified (STOR-M) tokamak (2020) REVIEW OF SCIENTIFIC INSTRUMENTS, Q2 021 (физики плазмы), ЛАПЛАЗ | ||
Development and Study of a Method for Cell Separation During White Blood Cell Segmentation on Images of Bone Marrow Preparations in Information and Measurement Systems for Diagnostics of Acute Leukemia (2020) MEASUREMENT TECHNIQUES, Q4 046 (компьютерных медицинских систем), ОФИС ОП(М) ОБИО, ОФИС ОП(М) ОЛПТ, ИФИБ, ЛАПЛАЗ | ||
Deuterium Retention in a Nanostructured Tungsten Surface Layer Formed during High-Temperature Irradiation with Helium Plasma (2020) JOURNAL OF SURFACE INVESTIGATION, Q4 602 (ЛАБ ФХПСТУ), 021 (физики плазмы), ОФИС ОП(М) ОЛПТ, 377 (Лаб. взаимодействие плазмы с поверхностью и плазменные технологии), ОФИС ОП(М) ОЯФТ, ЛАПЛАЗ, ИЯФИТ | ||
Deuterium permeation through the low-activated V–4Cr–4Ti alloy under plasma irradiation (2020) NUCLEAR MATERIALS AND ENERGY, Q1 021 (физики плазмы), ЛАПЛАЗ | ||
Detonation properties of tetranitromethane-methanol mixture (2020) JOURNAL OF PHYSICS: CONFERENCE SERIES, Q4 , ЛАПЛАЗ | ||
Detonability of fuel–air mixtures (2020) SHOCK WAVES, Q2 004 (химической физики), ЛАПЛАЗ | ||
Determination of the Single-Exciton Two-Photon Absorption Cross Sections of Semiconductor Nanocrystals through the Measurement of Saturation of Their Two-Photon-Excited Photoluminescence (2020) ACS PHOTONICS, TOPMEPHI МЛ ГФОТНАНОМ, 343 (ЛНБИ), ИФИБ, ЛАПЛАЗ | ||
Detection of the Low Energy Recoil 3He in the Reaction 2H(8He,3He)7H (2020) BULLETIN OF THE RUSSIAN ACADEMY OF SCIENCES: PHYSICS, Q4 060 (физики экстремальных состояний вещества), 032 (теоретической ядерной физики), ИЯФИТ, ЛАПЛАЗ | ||
Design of microgrippers based on amorphous-crystalline TiNiCu alloy with two-way shape memory (2020) JOURNAL OF MICRO-BIO ROBOTICS, Q2 ОФИС ОП(М) ОЛПТ, 070 (физики твердого тела и наносистем), ЛАПЛАЗ | ||
Detecting Rare J/psi -> mu(+)mu(-) Events in the CBM Experiment (2020) PHYSICS OF PARTICLES AND NUCLEI LETTERS, Q3 031 (прикладной математики), ЛАПЛАЗ | ||
Density and correlations of topological objects near the transition temperature in lattice gluodynamics (2020) PHYSICAL REVIEW D, TOP10 032 (теоретической ядерной физики), ЛАПЛАЗ | ||
Blocking of annihilation of Frenkel pairs by He atoms (2020) JOURNAL OF PHYSICS: CONFERENCE SERIES, Q4 ОФИС ОП(М) ОЛПТ, ЛАПЛАЗ | ||
On the stability of the metastable phase of atomic hydrogen (2020) JOURNAL OF PHYSICS: CONFERENCE SERIES, Q4 ОФИС ОП(М) ОЛПТ, ИФЯЭ ЛФТПМ, ЛАПЛАЗ, ИНТЭЛ | ||
Dark three-soliton for a nonlinear Schrodinger equation in inhomogeneous optical fiber (2020) OPTIK, Q2 Нет данных об авторе, 031 (прикладной математики), ЛАПЛАЗ | ||
Vorticity of viscous electronic flow in graphene (2020) 2D MATERIALS, TOP10 032 (теоретической ядерной физики), ЛАПЛАЗ | ||
Cyclic Detonation of the Ternary Gas Mixture Propane–Oxygen–Steam for Producing Highly Superheated Steam (2020) DOKLADY PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY, Q4 004 (химической физики), Нет данных об авторе, 034 (инженерной графики), ЛАПЛАЗ | ||
Current-voltage characteristics of an impulse magnetron discharge in target material vapor (2020) JOURNAL OF PHYSICS: CONFERENCE SERIES, Q4 021 (физики плазмы), 377 (Лаб. взаимодействие плазмы с поверхностью и плазменные технологии), ЛАПЛАЗ | ||
Current progress on ion driver LINAC-100 development for the new rare isotope facility DERICA at JINR (2020) PHYSICA SCRIPTA, Q2 ОФИС ОП(М) ОЛПТ, 014 (электрофизических установок), ЛАПЛАЗ | ||
Cumulative loading of the ion trap by laser ablation of thorium target in buffer gas (2020) LASER PHYSICS LETTERS, Q1 078 (физико-технических проблем метрологии), ОФИС ОП(М) ОЛПТ, ОФИС ОП(М) ОНАНО, ЛАПЛАЗ, ИНТЭЛ | ||
Crystallization of amorphous Ti40.7Hf9.5Ni41.8Cu8 alloy during the low-frequency mechanical vibrations at room temperature (2020) MATERIALS LETTERS, Q1 ОФИС ОП(М) ОЛПТ, ЛАПЛАЗ | ||
Crystallization Features of Rapidly Quenched Ti50Ni20Cu30 Amorphous Alloys after High-Pressure Torsion (2020) PHYSICS OF THE SOLID STATE, Q3 070 (физики твердого тела и наносистем), ЛАПЛАЗ | ||
Convection–diffusion model for the synthesis of pvd coatings and the influence of nanolayer parameters on the formation of fractal and hierarchical structures (2020) COATINGS, Q2 070 (физики твердого тела и наносистем), ЛАПЛАЗ | ||
Control over pulsed operation modes of an erbium-doped fibre laser passively mode-locked via nonlinear polarisation rotation (2020) QUANTUM ELECTRONICS, Q3 069 (физики лазерного термоядерного синтеза), ЛАПЛАЗ | ||
Contribution of joint experiments on small tokamaks in the framework of IAEA coordinated research projects to mainstream fusion research (2020) PLASMA SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, Q3 021 (физики плазмы), ЛАПЛАЗ | ||
Contactless System of Measurement of Waviness for Laser Destructuring of Metallic Surfaces (2020) MEASUREMENT TECHNIQUES, Q4 Нет данных об авторе, 037 (лазерной физики), ЛАПЛАЗ | ||
Constraining the onset density of the hadron-quark phase transition with gravitational-wave observations (2020) PHYSICAL REVIEW D, TOP10 032 (теоретической ядерной физики), ЛАПЛАЗ | ||
Conceptual study of an ICRH traveling wave antenna (TWA) for T-15MD at 60 MHz (2020) AIP CONFERENCE PROCEEDINGS, Q4 021 (физики плазмы), ЛАПЛАЗ | ||
Computer Simulation of the Structure and Operation Mechanisms for the Active Layer of Lithium–Oxygen Battery Cathode (2020) RUSSIAN JOURNAL OF ELECTROCHEMISTRY, Q3 021 (физики плазмы), ЛАПЛАЗ | ||
Computational study of tungsten sputtering by nitrogen (2020) JOURNAL OF NUCLEAR MATERIALS, Q1 377 (Лаб. взаимодействие плазмы с поверхностью и плазменные технологии), 021 (физики плазмы), ЛАПЛАЗ | ||
Comparison of Plasma Heating at First and Second Electron Cyclotron Harmonics in the T-10 Tokamak (2020) PLASMA PHYSICS REPORTS, Q3 021 (физики плазмы), ЛАПЛАЗ | ||
Comparison of erosion and deposition in JET divertor during the first three ITER-like wall campaigns (2020) PHYSICA SCRIPTA, Q2 021 (физики плазмы), ОФИС ОП(М) ОЛПТ, ЛАПЛАЗ | ||
Comparative study of the structure, composition, and electrocatalytic performance of hydrogen evolution in mosx~2+δ/mo and mosx~3+δ films obtained by pulsed laser deposition (2020) NANOMATERIALS, Q1 070 (физики твердого тела и наносистем), ЛАПЛАЗ | ||
Comparative neutron and X-ray diffraction analysis of anionic and cationic ordering in rare-earth zirconates (Ln = La, Nd, Tb, Yb, Y) (2020) JOURNAL OF ALLOYS AND COMPOUNDS, TOP10 070 (физики твердого тела и наносистем), ОФИС ОП(М) ОЛПТ, ЛАПЛАЗ | ||
Compact multipurpose facility - Bela (2020) PROCEEDINGS OF THE 29TH LINEAR ACCELERATOR CONFERENCE, LINAC 2018, Нет 014 (электрофизических установок), ЛАПЛАЗ | ||
Compact Induction Accelerator of Laser Plasma for Ion Energy up to 1 MeV (2020) PHYSICS OF PARTICLES AND NUCLEI LETTERS, Q3 ОФИС ОП(М) ОЛПТ, 081 (физики микро- и наносистем), 014 (электрофизических установок), ЛАПЛАЗ, ИНТЭЛ | ||
Combined spectral- and video-fluorescent diagnostics of cervical neoplasms for photodynamic therapy (2020) LASER PHYSICS LETTERS, Q1 087 (Кафедра лазерных микро- и нанотехнологий), ЛАПЛАЗ, ИФИБ | ||
Combination of the velocity interferometer system for any reflector and the photon Doppler velocimetry methods to study transparent and absorbing condensed matter (2020) JOURNAL OF PHYSICS: CONFERENCE SERIES, Q4 037 (лазерной физики), ОФИС ОП(М) ОЛПТ, ЛАПЛАЗ, ЛАПЛАЗ | ||
Clean source of soft X-ray radiation formed in supersonic Ar gas jets by high-contrast femtosecond laser pulses of relativistic intensity (2020) HIGH POWER LASER SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING, Q1 069 (физики лазерного термоядерного синтеза), 021 (физики плазмы), ЛАПЛАЗ | ||
Classical excluded volume of loosely bound light (anti) nuclei and their chemical freeze-out in heavy ion collisions (2020) INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MODERN PHYSICS E, Q3 032 (теоретической ядерной физики), ОФИС ОП(М) ОНАНО, ЛАПЛАЗ, ИНТЭЛ | ||
The special point on the hybrid star mass–radius diagram and its multi–messenger implications (2020) EUROPEAN PHYSICAL JOURNAL: SPECIAL TOPICS, Q2 032 (теоретической ядерной физики), ЛАПЛАЗ | ||
Focal-shape effects on the efficiency of the tunnel-ionization probe for extreme laser intensities (2020) MATTER AND RADIATION AT EXTREMES, Q1 , ЛАПЛАЗ | ||
Traveling waves and undercompressive shocks in solutions of the generalized Korteweg–de Vries–Burgers equation with a time-dependent dissipation coefficient distribution (2020) EUROPEAN PHYSICAL JOURNAL PLUS, Q1 004 (химической физики), ЛАПЛАЗ | ||
Zn-CysHis Protein Factor Families: Role of Electrostatic Interaction of Zn-Domains in Factor Functions (2020) MOLEKULIARNAIA BIOLOGIIA, Q3 031 (прикладной математики), ЛАПЛАЗ | ||
Zn-CysHis Protein Factor Families: Role of Electrostatic Interaction of Zn-Domains in Factor Functions (2020) MOLECULAR BIOLOGY, Q4 031 (прикладной математики), ЛАПЛАЗ | ||
Chirally Improved Quark Pauli Blocking in Nuclear Matter and Applications to Quark Deconfinement in Neutron Stars (2020) PARTICLES, Нет 032 (теоретической ядерной физики), ЛАПЛАЗ | ||
Chiral phase transition and kaon-to-pion ratios in the entanglement SU(3) PNJL model (2020) EUROPEAN PHYSICAL JOURNAL: SPECIAL TOPICS, Q2 032 (теоретической ядерной физики), ЛАПЛАЗ | ||
Chemical freeze-out of light nuclei in high energy nuclear collisions and resolution of the hyper-Triton chemical freeze-out puzzle (2020) JOURNAL OF PHYSICS: CONFERENCE SERIES, Q4 ИЯФИТ, 032 (теоретической ядерной физики), ИЯФИТ, ЛАПЛАЗ | ||
Charge Properties of Thorium Implanted in Silicon Oxide (2020) PHYSICS OF ATOMIC NUCLEI, Q4 ОФИС ОП(М) ОЛПТ, 078 (физико-технических проблем метрологии), ЛАПЛАЗ | ||
Characterization of millisecond-scale high-power impulse magnetron discharge in helium (2020) PROCEEDINGS - INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON DISCHARGES AND ELECTRICAL INSULATION IN VACUUM, ISDEIV, Q4 021 (физики плазмы), 377 (Лаб. взаимодействие плазмы с поверхностью и плазменные технологии), 602 (ЛАБ ФХПСТУ), ЛАПЛАЗ | ||
Characteristics of the Development of a Chain Thermal Explosion when Burning Gas Mixtures under Atmospheric Pressure (2020) RUSSIAN JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY B, Q4 004 (химической физики), 018 (конструирования приборов и установок), ЛАПЛАЗ | ||
Characteristics of Protein Aggregation and Flotation in Water and Alcohol-Water Mixture (2020) PHYSICS OF WAVE PHENOMENA, Q3 037 (лазерной физики), ОФИС ОП(М) ОЛПТ, ЛАПЛАЗ | ||
Calculating the Natural Atmospheric Radiation Using the General Circulation Model of the Earth’s Lower and Middle Atmosphere (2020) MATHEMATICAL MODELS AND COMPUTER SIMULATIONS, Q3 032 (теоретической ядерной физики), ЛАПЛАЗ | ||
Electrodynamic Method of Enhancing the Fluidity of High-Viscosity Oil during its Extraction (2020) RUSSIAN PHYSICS JOURNAL, Q3 1018 (руц), ОФИС ОП(М) ОЛПТ, ЛАПЛАЗ | ||
The oscillations of charged particle beam in crossed magnetic fields (2020) JOURNAL OF PHYSICS: CONFERENCE SERIES, Q4 014 (электрофизических установок), ЛАПЛАЗ | ||
Plasma equilibrium and stability in a current-carrying conductor vicinity (2020) JOURNAL OF PHYSICS: CONFERENCE SERIES, Q4 031 (прикладной математики), ЛАПЛАЗ | ||
On the Stability of Plasma Equilibrium in the Neighborhood of a Straight Current Conductor (2020) COMPUTATIONAL MATHEMATICS AND MATHEMATICAL PHYSICS, Q3 031 (прикладной математики), ЛАПЛАЗ, ИИКС | ||
Mathematical Models of Equilibrium Configurations of Plasma Surrounding Current-Carrying Conductors (2020) DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS, Q3 031 (прикладной математики), ЛАПЛАЗ | ||
Mathematical model and stability investigation of plasma equilibrium around a current-carrying conductor (2020) JOURNAL OF PHYSICS: CONFERENCE SERIES, Q4 031 (прикладной математики), ЛАПЛАЗ, ЛАПЛАЗ | ||
Hot electrons between cold walls (2020) PHYSICS OF PLASMAS, Q2 , ЛАПЛАЗ | ||
Design of Air Vane Motor Parameters Providing Minimal Torque Ripples Combined with High Energy Efficiency (2020) MECHANISMS AND MACHINE SCIENCE, Q4 031 (прикладной математики), ЛАПЛАЗ | ||
Accounting for Edge-Plasma Parameter Dynamics at JET Divertor Sputtering Estimation during Edge-Localized Modes (2020) PHYSICS OF ATOMIC NUCLEI, Q4 021 (физики плазмы), ЛАПЛАЗ | ||
Low-Temperature Plasma Nitriding of Low- and High-Chromium Steels (2020) BULLETIN OF THE RUSSIAN ACADEMY OF SCIENCES: PHYSICS, Q4 021 (физики плазмы), 377 (Лаб. взаимодействие плазмы с поверхностью и плазменные технологии), ОФИС ОП(М) ОЛПТ, ЛАПЛАЗ | ||
Local electrochemical deposition of thorium-229 targets and excitation of isomeric state by electron beam (2020) JOURNAL OF PHYSICS: CONFERENCE SERIES, Q4 ОФИС ОП(М) ОЛПТ, 078 (физико-технических проблем метрологии), ЛАПЛАЗ | ||
Dynamics of the Tippe Top on a Vibrating Base (2020) REGULAR AND CHAOTIC DYNAMICS, Q1 031 (прикладной математики), ЛАПЛАЗ | ||
Biodegradable stent coatings on the basis of PLGA polymers of different molecular mass, sustaining a steady release of the thrombolityc enzyme streptokinase (2020) REACTIVE AND FUNCTIONAL POLYMERS, Q1 037 (лазерной физики), ЛАПЛАЗ | ||
Chemical bonding between thorium atoms and a carbon hexagon in carbon nanomaterials (2020) PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY CHEMICAL PHYSICS, Q1 078 (физико-технических проблем метрологии), ОФИС ОП(М) ОЛПТ, ЛАПЛАЗ | ||
Superconductivity in Quantum Complex Matter: the Superstripes Landscape (2020) JOURNAL OF SUPERCONDUCTIVITY AND NOVEL MAGNETISM, Q3 070 (физики твердого тела и наносистем), ЛАПЛАЗ | ||
Tritium retention in w plasma-facing materials: Impact of the material structure and helium irradiation (vol 19, pg 403, 2019) (2020) NUCLEAR MATERIALS AND ENERGY, НЕТ | ||
Outlook of the application of the PyCAMFT code for the ISOL installation development (2020) JOURNAL OF PHYSICS: CONFERENCE SERIES, Q4 ОФИС ОП(М) ОЯФТ, ИЯФИТ, ЛАПЛАЗ | ||
Optimizing the Longitudinal Dynamics of a Non-Relativistic Charged Particle Bunch in the Field of a Traveling Wave (2020) PHYSICS OF PARTICLES AND NUCLEI LETTERS, Q3 ОФИС ОП(М) ОЛПТ, 1018 (руц), ЛАПЛАЗ | ||
Phase estimation algorithm for quantum states classification with NISQ devices (2020) AIP CONFERENCE PROCEEDINGS, Q4 032 (теоретической ядерной физики), ЛАПЛАЗ | ||
Hybrid digital-analog simulation of many-body dynamics with superconducting qubits (2020) PHYSICAL REVIEW A, Q2 032 (теоретической ядерной физики), ЛАПЛАЗ | ||
Automatic attenuation correction technique for fluorescent analysis of the photosensitizer concentration in biological tissues (2020) PROCEEDINGS - INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE LASER OPTICS 2020, ICLO 2020, НЕТ 396 (ЛАББИОФОТ), 087 (Кафедра лазерных микро- и нанотехнологий), 037 (лазерной физики), ИФИБ, ЛАПЛАЗ | ||
Attenuation correction technique for fluorescence analysis of biological tissues with significantly different optical properties (2020) FRONTIERS OF OPTOELECTRONICS, Q2 087 (Кафедра лазерных микро- и нанотехнологий), 037 (лазерной физики), 396 (ЛАББИОФОТ), ИФИБ, ЛАПЛАЗ | ||
Asymptotic normalization coefficient method for two-proton radiative capture (2020) PHYSICS LETTERS, SECTION B: NUCLEAR, ELEMENTARY PARTICLE AND HIGH-ENERGY PHYSICS, TOP10 032 (теоретической ядерной физики), ЛАПЛАЗ | ||
Asymmetric image optical encryption under spatially incoherent illumination (2020) LASER PHYSICS LETTERS, Q1 ОФИС ОП(М) ОЛПТ, 037 (лазерной физики), ЛАПЛАЗ | ||
Absorption of ultrashort electromagnetic pulses in plasma with inhomogeneous distribution of density and temperature (2020) CONTRIBUTIONS TO PLASMA PHYSICS, Q3 021 (физики плазмы), ЛАПЛАЗ | ||
Assessment of Heart Rate Variability Based on a Probabilistic Analysis of Wearable Biometric Device Data in Support Systems for Staffing Decisions (2020) PROCEEDINGS OF 2020 23RD INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON SOFT COMPUTING AND MEASUREMENTS, SCM 2020, НЕТ ОФИС ОП(М) ОЛПТ, ОФИС ОП(М) ОИКC, 017 (информатики и процессов управления), ЛАПЛАЗ, ИИКС | ||
Artificial intelligence systems for doctors training (2020) JOURNAL OF PHYSICS: CONFERENCE SERIES, Q4 046 (компьютерных медицинских систем), ОФИС ОП(М) ОБИО, ОФИС ОП(М) ОЛПТ, Нет данных об авторе, УРМТ (Управление развития медицинских технологий), ИФИБ, ЛАПЛАЗ | ||
Research and Development of Autonomous Neuromorphic Speech Stress Detector Based on Spike Representation of Information (2020) PROCEEDINGS OF THE 2020 IEEE CONFERENCE OF RUSSIAN YOUNG RESEARCHERS IN ELECTRICAL AND ELECTRONIC ENGINEERING, EICONRUS 2020, НЕТ 026 (электронных измерительных систем), ЛАПЛАЗ | ||
Bit-Vector Pattern Matching Systems on the Basis of Analog-Digital Field Reprogrammable Arrays (2020) PROCEEDINGS OF THE 2020 IEEE CONFERENCE OF RUSSIAN YOUNG RESEARCHERS IN ELECTRICAL AND ELECTRONIC ENGINEERING, EICONRUS 2020, НЕТ 026 (электронных измерительных систем), ЛАПЛАЗ | ||
Acoustic Monitoring of the Psycho-Emotional State of Operational Personnel in the Management of High-Risk Objects Based on Neuromorphic Self-Learning Systems (2020) PROCEEDINGS OF 2020 13TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE MANAGEMENT OF LARGE-SCALE SYSTEM DEVELOPMENT, MLSD 2020, НЕТ 026 (электронных измерительных систем), 022 (кибернетики), ЛАПЛАЗ, ИИКС | ||
Architecture of Fuel Systems of Hybrid Facility DEMO-FNS and Algorithms for Calculation of Fuel Flows in the FC-FNS Model (2020) FUSION SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, Q2 377 (Лаб. взаимодействие плазмы с поверхностью и плазменные технологии), 021 (физики плазмы), ЛАПЛАЗ | ||
Application of the saddle-point method to strong-laser-field ionization (2020) JOURNAL OF PHYSICS A: MATHEMATICAL AND THEORETICAL, TOP10 032 (теоретической ядерной физики), ЛАПЛАЗ | ||
Application of the perturbation theory for the calculation of thermodynamic and transport properties of hydrogen and its isotopes (2020) JOURNAL OF PHYSICS: CONFERENCE SERIES, Q4 ОФИС ОП(М) ОЛПТ, ЛАПЛАЗ, 004 (химической физики), ЛАПЛАЗ | ||
Application of multiple scattering theory to Doppler velocimetry of ejecta from shock-loaded samples (2020) JOURNAL OF QUANTITATIVE SPECTROSCOPY AND RADIATIVE TRANSFER, Q1 ОФИС ОП(М) ОЛПТ, ЛАПЛАЗ | ||
Application of laser radiation for creation of metamaterial based on rapidly quenched shape memory TiNiCu alloy (2020) JOURNAL OF PHYSICS: CONFERENCE SERIES, Q4 070 (физики твердого тела и наносистем), ОФИС ОП(М) ОЛПТ, ЛАПЛАЗ | ||
Application of high frequency biasing and its effect in STOR-M tokamak (2020) NUCLEAR FUSION, TOP10 021 (физики плазмы), ЛАПЛАЗ | ||
Application of Cr,Mo-(Cr,Mo,Zr,Nb)N-(Cr,Mo,Zr,Nb,Al)N multilayered composite multicomponent coating to increase the cutting tool life in turning steel (2020) PROCEDIA CIRP, Q2 070 (физики твердого тела и наносистем), ЛАПЛАЗ | ||
Application of a Digital Micromirror Device for Optical Encryption with Time Integration (2020) OPTOELECTRONICS, INSTRUMENTATION AND DATA PROCESSING, Q3 037 (лазерной физики), ОФИС ОП(М) ОЛПТ, ЛАПЛАЗ | ||
Anomalous absorption due to development of return current instability (2020) HIGH ENERGY DENSITY PHYSICS, Q3 , ЛАПЛАЗ | ||
Simulation of thrust magnetic bearings for levitation systems (2020) JOURNAL OF PHYSICS: CONFERENCE SERIES, Q4 070 (физики твердого тела и наносистем), ОФИС ОП(М) ОЛПТ, ЛАПЛАЗ | ||
Numerical modeling of the switching processes in the second generation HTS tapes under the electric pulses impact (2020) JOURNAL OF PHYSICS: CONFERENCE SERIES, Q4 070 (физики твердого тела и наносистем), ОФИС ОП(М) ОЛПТ, ЛАПЛАЗ | ||
Integrated modeling of fuel flows in the plasma and in the injection and pumping systems for the DEMO-FNS fusion neutron source СОВМЕСТНОЕ МОДЕЛИРОВАНИЕ ТОПЛИВНЫХ ПОТОКОВ В ПЛАЗМЕ И В СИСТЕМАХ ИНЖЕКЦИИ И ОТКАЧКИ ДЕМО-ТИН (2020) PROBLEMS OF ATOMIC SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, SERIES THERMONUCLEAR FUSION, Q3 377 (Лаб. взаимодействие плазмы с поверхностью и плазменные технологии), ЛАПЛАЗ | ||
Measurement of internal friction of Zr-1%Nb alloy after oxidation and nitriding (2020) IOP CONFERENCE SERIES: MATERIALS SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING, Q4 ОФИС ОП(М) ОЛПТ, ОФИС ОП(М) ОЯФТ, 009 (физических проблем материаловедения), ЛАПЛАЗ, ИЯФИТ | ||
Analyzing x-ray emission of target impurities to determine the parameters of recombining laser plasma (2020) JOURNAL OF PHYSICS: CONFERENCE SERIES, Q4 021 (физики плазмы), ЛАПЛАЗ | ||
Analysis of the Accuracy of Measuring the Flux Density of All Hydrogen Isotopes from First Wall to Plasma Using the H-Alpha Diagnostics in ITER (2020) PHYSICS OF ATOMIC NUCLEI, Q4 021 (физики плазмы), ЛАПЛАЗ | ||
An Influence of the Peculiarities of the Concentration Field of Gaseous Fire Extinguishing Substances with High Boiling Point on Their Fire Extinguishing Properties (2020) IOP CONFERENCE SERIES: EARTH AND ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE, Q4 004 (химической физики), ЛАПЛАЗ | ||
An examination of geometrical and potential time delays in gravitational lensing (2020) CLASSICAL AND QUANTUM GRAVITY, Q1 032 (теоретической ядерной физики), ЛАПЛАЗ | ||
An advanced workflow for single-particle imaging with the limited data at an X-ray free-electron laser (2020) IUCRJ, TOP10 032 (теоретической ядерной физики), ЛАПЛАЗ | ||
Modeling of Thermophysical Properties and Transport Properties of Basic Combustion Products of Organic Substances (2020) PHYSICS OF ATOMIC NUCLEI, Q4 ОФИС ОП(М) ОЛПТ, 004 (химической физики), ЛАПЛАЗ | ||
Memristive Element with Multiple Internal State Variables Functional Model for Computer Based Analysis and Hardware Emulation of Pulsed Neural Adaptive Networks (2020) PROCEEDINGS OF THE 2020 IEEE CONFERENCE OF RUSSIAN YOUNG RESEARCHERS IN ELECTRICAL AND ELECTRONIC ENGINEERING, EICONRUS 2020, НЕТ 026 (электронных измерительных систем), ЛАПЛАЗ | ||
The classification technology of possible psycho-emotional states of a group of people based on algorithms, implemented in neuro-LSI Ni1000 (2020) PROCEDIA COMPUTER SCIENCE, Q2 ОФИС ОП(М) ОЛПТ, ОФИС ОП(М) ОИКC, ЛАПЛАЗ, ИИКС | ||
Neuro-network approach to the classification of psychological states of a control operator of a potentially dangerous object (2020) VOPROSY PSIKHOLOGII, Q4 ОФИС ОП(М) ОЛПТ, 017 (информатики и процессов управления), ЛАПЛАЗ, ИОПП | ||
Assessment of the current functional and psychoemotional state based on integrated data processing of wearable biometric devices (2020) VOPROSY PSIKHOLOGII, Q4 ОФИС ОП(М) ОЛПТ, 017 (информатики и процессов управления), ЛАПЛАЗ, ИОПП | ||
A mixing interpolation method to mimic pasta phases in compact star matter (2020) EUROPEAN PHYSICAL JOURNAL A, Q1 032 (теоретической ядерной физики), ЛАПЛАЗ | ||
alpha decay to a doubly magic core in the quartetting wave function approach (2020) PHYSICAL REVIEW C, Q1 032 (теоретической ядерной физики), ЛАПЛАЗ | ||
Al-, Ga-, Mg-, or Li-doped zinc oxide nanoparticles as electron transport layers for quantum dot light-emitting diodes (2020) SCIENTIFIC REPORTS, TOP10 343 (ЛНБИ), МЛ ГФОТНАНОМ, 078 (физико-технических проблем метрологии), ИФИБ, ЛАПЛАЗ, ИНТЭЛ | ||
Quark and Gluon Condensates at a Finite Isospin Chemical Potential (2020) JETP LETTERS, Q2 032 (теоретической ядерной физики), ЛАПЛАЗ | ||
Software products of toxi+ line for calculation of accidents consequences and risk assessment (2020) BEZOPASNOST' TRUDA V PROMYSHLENNOSTI, Q3 004 (химической физики), ЛАПЛАЗ | ||
Advances in optical sensing techniques application for simulation of space radiation effects in microelectronic devices using wavelength-tunable femtosecond laser (2020) PROCEEDINGS OF SPIE - THE INTERNATIONAL SOCIETY FOR OPTICAL ENGINEERING, Q4 ОФИС ОП(М) ОЛПТ, 070 (физики твердого тела и наносистем), 1009 (цэпэ), ОФИС ОП(М) ОНАНО, ЛАПЛАЗ, ИНТЭЛ | ||
Advances in Modern Information Technologies for Data Analysis in CRYO-EM and XFEL Experiments (2020) CRYSTALLOGRAPHY REPORTS, Q3 032 (теоретической ядерной физики), ЛАПЛАЗ | ||
Adaptive Behavioral Model of the Electricity Object Management Operator for Intelligent Current Personnel Condition Monitoring Systems (2020) MECHANISMS AND MACHINE SCIENCE, Q4 ОФИС ОП(М) ОЛПТ, 017 (информатики и процессов управления), ЛАПЛАЗ | ||
Absorption and opacity threshold for a thin foil in a strong circularly polarized laser field (2020) PHYSICAL REVIEW E, Q1 ОФИС ОП(М) ОЛПТ, ЛАПЛАЗ | ||
Absolute two-photon absorption cross-sections of single-exciton states in semiconductor nanocrystals (2020) PROCEEDINGS OF SPIE - THE INTERNATIONAL SOCIETY FOR OPTICAL ENGINEERING, Q4 МЛ ГФОТНАНОМ, 343 (ЛНБИ), ИФИБ, ЛАПЛАЗ | ||
Ab initio based description of the unusual increase of the electric field gradient with temperature at Ti sites in rutile TiO2 (2020) PHYSICAL REVIEW B, Q1 078 (физико-технических проблем метрологии), ЛАПЛАЗ | ||
A XAFS investigation of amorphous-to-crystalline and fluorite-to-pyrochlore phase transitions in Ln2M2O7 (Ln = Gd, Tb, Dy; M = Ti, Zr) (2020) RADIATION PHYSICS AND CHEMISTRY, Q2 070 (физики твердого тела и наносистем), ОФИС ОП(М) ОЛПТ, 019 (химии), ЛАПЛАЗ | ||
A Unique System for Registering One-Photon Signals in the Ultraviolet Range from An Isomeric 229mTh Nucleus Implanted on Thin SiO2/Si Films (2020) PHYSICA STATUS SOLIDI (A) APPLICATIONS AND MATERIALS SCIENCE, Q2 078 (физико-технических проблем метрологии), ОФИС ОП(М) ОЛПТ, ЛАПЛАЗ | ||
A Soft X-Ray Radiation Source Formed in Supersonic Argon Gas Jets under the Action of High-Contrast Femtosecond Laser Pulses of Relativistic Intensity (2020) TECHNICAL PHYSICS LETTERS, Q3 069 (физики лазерного термоядерного синтеза), 021 (физики плазмы), ЛАПЛАЗ | ||
A setup for study of co-deposited films (2020) JOURNAL OF INSTRUMENTATION, Q2 021 (физики плазмы), ОФИС ОП(М) ОЛПТ, ЛАПЛАЗ | ||
A Regular Biporous Model of the Cathode Active Layer Structure of a Lithium-Oxygen Battery. Calculation of Overall Characteristics of the Cathode Active Layer (2020) PROTECTION OF METALS AND PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY OF SURFACES, Q2 021 (физики плазмы), ЛАПЛАЗ | ||
A Decision Support System for the Differential Diagnosis of Pyelonephritis in Pregnant Women Based on Immune and Oxidative Status (2020) BIOMEDICAL ENGINEERING, Q3 ОФИС ОП(М) ОЛПТ, ЛАПЛАЗ | ||
A Decade with VAMDC: Results and Ambitions (2020) ATOMS, TOP10 032 (теоретической ядерной физики), 021 (физики плазмы), ЛАПЛАЗ | ||
A bacterial misericorde: laser-generated silicon nanorazors with embedded biotoxic nanoparticles combat the formation of durable biofilms (2020) LASER PHYSICS LETTERS, Q1 396 (ЛАББИОФОТ), 088 (Кафедра полупроводниковой квантовой электроники), ОФИС ОП(М) ОЛПТ, ИФИБ, ЛАПЛАЗ | ||
3D Simulation of Anisotropic Heat Transfer in Outer Layers of Magnetized Neutron Stars (2020) ASTRONOMY REPORTS, Q3 032 (теоретической ядерной физики), ЛАПЛАЗ | ||
3D Nanomanipulation: Design and applications of functional nanostructured bio-materials (2020) JOURNAL OF PHYSICS: CONFERENCE SERIES, Q4 ОФИС ОП(М) ОЛПТ, ЛАПЛАЗ | ||
2-D and 3-D numerical simulation of ferrite loaded coaxial transmission lines (2020) PROCEEDINGS - 2020 7TH INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS ON ENERGY FLUXES AND RADIATION EFFECTS, EFRE 2020, НЕТ 021 (физики плазмы), ЛАПЛАЗ | ||
17th international conference on plasma-facing materials and components for fusion applications (2020) PHYSICA SCRIPTA, Q2 021 (физики плазмы), ЛАПЛАЗ | ||
10 uJ Nanosecond Pulsed Ytterbium fiber Laser With Arbitrary Pulse Shape (2020) INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE LASER OPTICS 2020 (ICLO 2020), TOP10 069 (физики лазерного термоядерного синтеза), ЛАПЛАЗ |